Chapter Eleven

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"Oh shit," Nathan hissed as he scrambled himself off of me and onto his feet. His eyes darted around frantically in panic as he stared back at a wide-eyed Brandon.

"Oh god, this looks so bad," he groaned as he ran a hand over his hair. 

Brandon didn't say anything and looked between the two of us in confusion. Nathan swallowed and looked more uncomfortable than I'd ever seen him. 

"I swear to god, we weren't doing anything, I promise," Nathan said desperately. 

I froze up as I realized why Nathan seemed so panicked. He thought Brandon was my boyfriend. Meaning, he thought my boyfriend had walked in on me being straddled by another guy.

When nobody said anything else, Nathan continued rambling on. "I mean, I am strongly against cheating, so I would never. And besides, no offense, but your girlfriend is incredibly annoying, so I wouldn't even go for her even if I could," he snapped rudely as he pointed a finger in my direction.

 I scowled and pushed myself off the floor and onto my feet. "Well fuck you, no need to be rude," I grumbled.

Brandon scratched his head and tilted his head. "I am really confused right now...," he murmured as he continued to look back and forth between the two of us.

Shit. I'd forgotten to tell Brandon that he was supposed to pretend to be my boyfriend.

Quickly speed walking over to Brandon, I grabbed his arm and interlocked our fingers. "Babe, don't get mad; he's right, we weren't messing around. I lost my temper and attacked him," I muttered with a cheesy smile.

Brandon's brows knitted even closer together in confusion. "But I'm not-" 

 I quickly slapped a hand over his mouth before he could finish. The last thing I needed was for him to blurt out the truth and for me to look like a liar. 

"Shh, let's not say something we might regret," I hissed as I gave Brandon a warning look in silent communication for him to shut up.

Nathan cleared his throat awkwardly from behind us. "So, you guys seem like you have a lot to talk about so, I'm going to see myself out...," he trailed off awkwardly.

Wasting no time, he hastily picked his laptop off the ground, which by some miracle had survived the fall, before shoving it into his rucksack. Then he hurried for the door at a speed faster than I thought was humanely possible.

"See you, Natalie," I called out to his retreating figure.

 He didn't respond, and the door swung loudly back behind him.

As soon as he was gone, I slowly released my hand from Brandon's mouth and smiled back at him sweetly. 

"Sorry about that; I just didn't want you to fuck things up for me," I said.

"Fuck things up?" he laughed as a proud smile stretched over his face. "What was there to fuck up? It looks like your plan was working excellently. Screw the friend phase; you've got the guy jumping on you already," he said as he playfully bumped my shoulder.

I bit my lip. "Yeah...about that," I mumbled. "The reason he was on top of me might have maybe been because I...because I... tried to attack him," I blabbered out with a nervous laugh.

 Instantly, Brandon's face faded to one of disappointment. "Oh," he said simply. "Well, in that case, you did a shit job, didn't you?" he snorted rudely as he flopped down on the sofa.

"Ooo, pizza," he cheered as his eyes locked in on the box on the table, which he eagerly flipped open. His smile vanished as he stared down at the tragedy before him. 

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