Chapter Nineteen

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I still couldn't believe I had gotten away with it. Most people who get caught breaking into a rich guy's apartment; don't get away scot-free, yet here I was safely in my room as a free woman. 

Maybe there was some hope after all that I was breaking through the cold, hard exterior which was Nathan Wood's heart. 

Or perhaps, more realistically, he thought I was a childish idiot who wasn't even worthy of a police call. But either way, I couldn't help but feel extremely lucky. 

I threw my phone onto my nightstand and was about to tuck myself into bed for the night when I paused. Wait a minute...

I had his number, and even more importantly, I had made some pretty creative new changes to his autocorrect.

I know I had tormented the guy enough for one day, but hey, one more harmless little prank before bedtime surely couldn't hurt anyone. 

With an excited smile, I grabbed my phone before diving onto my bed, belly first. Quickly finding the text message I had sent myself, I saved his number down as Natalie.

Going on to the message bar, I paused before excitedly typing my first few words.

Me: Natalie, you up?

I figured he would probably take a fair few minutes to reply, so I stared at my phone in boredom. I raised my eyebrows in surprise as I saw a message ping up underneath mine surprisingly quickly.

Natalie: How the fuck did you get my number?

There's my Natalie, as delightful as always...

I couldn't help but grin a little bit at the message; Nathan's grumpiness was becoming oddly amusing. I eagerly started typing back.

Me: Don't pretend you're not jumping for joy right now 😉

His next text message came a second later.

Natalie: Yeah, you're making me want to jump closer and closer to the edge of a cliff.

I rolled my eyes at his message; it was like the boy was incapable of saying anything nice when it came to me.

Me: Again, I'm curious; what's it like to be so deep in denial about your feelings?

Natalie: Curious, what's it like to be a massive sex goddess?

As soon as the message came in, my face broke out into a grin, and I bit my lip to help contain in my laughter. I had cleverly adjusted his phone so that whenever he texted the word bitch, it would change it to sex-goddess instead. 

 Quickly after he said that, my phone immediately told me that he was typing.

Natalie: Shit, I swear to God I didn't type that. I meant SEX-GODDESS!

Natalie: It did it again? What the fuck?

I let out a loud snort of laughter and quickly screenshot his message. This shit was ideal blackmailing material.

Me: We all know I'm a sex-goddess Natalie, no need to say it twice Xx.

Natalie: I didn't even mean to say it once; this phone is bullshit!

I was about to type my response when another message appeared from him in haste.

Natalie: Wait a minute...Did you fuck around with my phone, baby?

I smiled as I was met with another one of my amazing autocorrections. He had meant to say Sophie, but thanks to me; it had come out as baby.

Me: Baby? You're quite the flirt, aren't you, Natalie?

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