Chapter Sixty-Five

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Dear Nathan, Natalie, (sorry, I tried, but it didn't look right).

I know letter writing seems a little stupid, but it's the kind of shit they do in old-school romance movies, so I thought you, as a posh boy (no offense), might appreciate this.

I'm not really sure how to start this letter, but first of all, I just want to say I'm so, so, so sorry. I fucked up. BAD! Like I fucked up so badly that even the biggest fuck ups in the world would judge me. And I'm a fuck up because I hurt you, and I'm so sorry for that.

When I first met you that night at the club, I was very, VERY angry, and that led me to make the dumbest decision of my life which was the decision to hurt you. I thought I had you all figured out after one interaction, but I hadn't even figured one layer of you out.

So it goes without saying that you're probably doubting my feelings right about now, so I'm going to prove to you why you're wrong. So prepare yourself for a long list of all the reasons why I'm basically obsessed with you and why it was basically impossible for me to not fall in love with you. Ready? Okay, let me start.

*Dramatically clears throat*

1. You're the kind of guy that lets a girl you hate crash in on his dinner date just because you don't want her to feel embarrassed.

2. You smell ridiculously good (Shut up, it's a good reason).

3. You're the kind of guy who comes all the way to someone's flat just to fit in a fire alarm.

4. You endure me calling you Natalie.

5. You play games with a claustrophobic person in an elevator to try and distract them.

6. You don't call the police even when a crazy girl breaks into your apartment.

7. You're an adorable worrier who literally attempts to kidnap someone after they refuse to go to the hospital.

8. You're a really, REALLY, good kisser and way too good in bed. Like scarily good.

9. You flew a girl all the way to Greece just to make her feel better.

10. And finally ten, because you're Nathan, and that's enough of a reason in itself.

So, yeah, those are the ten reasons I love you Nathan, and they aren't even close to all of them. And again, I'm sorry, like really, sorry. And though I don't deserve it, I'd quite like it if we could still be friends. I've missed you.

Sophie xx

Reading over the letter, I re-folded it back up and tucked it neatly back into its envelope, all ready to deliver to Nathan. Crossing the road, I made my way over to the rather extravagant-looking apartment complex.

 It was the very place I had slept in a little over a week ago - it was Nathan's block. 

Though I was nervous, I knew I needed to carry out my plan. I owed it to Nathan to at least try and make things better. I knew it was a long stretch to ever get him to see me romantically again, but a friend would more than suffice. Now, what was my plan, you may ask? 

Well, it was simple - I was going to finish this the same way I started it, which was by annoying Nathan into being my friend. Obviously, there was a little more detail to it than that, but that was essentially the crux of the plan. And well, if that didn't work, I guess I would have to think of a plan B.

Upon reaching the building, I stopped and leaned up against the little wooden post in the outside courtyard area. I considered waiting inside the lobby area, but I decided to pass on it, knowing that Nathan's creepy lobby lady was likely inside. I had endured enough weird conversations with her to last a lifetime. Whenever I went to his flat, she would always ask me weird shit like what cologne Nathan wears?

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