Chapter Thirty-Four

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I walked begrudgingly along the smooth marbled floors of the airport. "I can't believe you were serious about forcing me to go," I grumbled.

 Nathan stole a glance my way, and the cheeky bastard actually dared to look smug as though he deemed tackling me out of bed this morning as an accomplishment. 

After Nathan asked me, no sorry, demanded I go on holiday with him - I started to hysterically laugh. But, when I finally realized the deluded bastard was actually serious, I wasted no time in giving him a long list of reasons why I couldn't go.

But, somehow, he managed to come up with some kind of dumb argument for each and every one of them. For example, I told him I couldn't go because I would miss work. I thought there was no arguing with that, but the persistent bugger actually took it upon himself to call my gym and argue a case of why I should get time off work.

 I'm not sure what the hell he said to them, but I did vaguely overhear some credit card details being exchanged, so I'm guessing it was something along the lines of bribery. So, naturally, I continued to list excuse after excuse, but it was absolutely useless, and Nathan didn't budge an inch.

Despite how long my list of reasons were, none of them were my true reason for not wanting to go. My true reason for not wanting to go was plain and simple – Nathan Woods scared the fuck out of me. 

Or more precisely, the feelings I got around Nathan Wood's scared the fuck out of me.

After Brandon's annoying morality speech, the other day, I couldn't help but wonder if he was right and if it was indeed possible that Nathan was growing on me. So, naturally, I came to the conclusion that a couple days away from Nathan could do me so good.

But there was one teensy tiny flaw to my plan. I forgot Nathan was a persistent bitch.

Nathan let out a loud scoff and lazily rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't use the word forced. I personally feel as though it was more along the lines of gentle coercion," he said as his eyes sparkled with amusement.

I raised a single eyebrow. "Oh, so is coercion the new word for barging into someone's room at five am in the morning, waking them up with a spray bottle and then proceeding to throw random items of clothing into their suitcase like a madman," I scoffed. "Come to think of it, how the hell did you even get into the apartment?" I asked abruptly as I eyed him in suspicion.

"First of all, don't look at me as though I'm the stalker, Miss- I-hide-under-people's-beds-when-they aren't-home," he said, shooting me a pointed look. 

I bit my lips, knowing he actually had a fair point. 

"And second of all, when you didn't answer your doorbell, I asked your next-door neighbor if she had your spare key, and she gave it to me no questions asked," he shrugged.

I stopped dead in my tracks. "What? She gave it to you with no questions?" I hissed as my voice rose up an octave. I was getting some strange looks, from passer-byes but I didn't give a crap. "I knew that miserable old bag hated me," I grumbled to myself bitterly.

" was incredibly worrying how easily she gave it away," he murmured slowly.

"But, oh well, I've got it now, so I'll keep it safe for you now," he winked as he fished my key out of his pocket before making a show of throwing it up in the air and catching it.

"Hey, give that back," I whined as I stretched out to reach it.

He held it up even higher with a chuckle. "Sorry, no can do, I quite like having free access to your apartment, whenever I may please," he taunted.

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