Chapter Thirty-One

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My heart hammered against the walls of my chest like a drum, and my breaths felt as though they were getting heavier and heavier by the second.

 Little old me thought they were about to take an innocent trip to the bathroom, not get pinned against the wall by a suddenly sexually charged Adonis.

What? He's a moody bitch, but I won't deny he's hot.

Once I had recovered slightly from my shock, I blinked back at him to double-check this wasn't a figment of my sex-deprived mind. Finally, regaining enough common sense to say something, I opened my mouth. 

"W-what the fuck are you doing?" I breathed out or more accurately stuttered. 

His eyes, only inches away sparkled with amusement, and then he chuckled. The sound made a deliciously deep rumbling sound that echoed around the now deafened and sexually charged room.

Instead of keeping a respectable distance, like a normal person would, Nathan proceeded to lean ridiculously close to me. And boy, do I mean close. As soon as his lips got within a centimeter of mine, my body seemed to abandon breathing altogether, and all I could do was stare, immobilized in shock.

  What the hell was he going to do, kiss me?

His eyes dropped to my lips, and the way it made my heart jump could by no means be described as healthy. That would be a rather embarrassing end to my life. 

Cause of death – Nathan Woods, staring at my lips for too long.

Slowly, his eyes pulled back to mine. I barely got a chance to get a good look into those gorgeous green eyes of his before he rested his head into the crook of my neck and brought his lips up to my ear. I shivered as I felt the warmth of them brush the skin. 

"I'm doing exactly what you asked me to do, Sophie," he whispered, his voice deep and rich. The sound of my name against his tongue shamefully made my stomach dance around in circles.

When I was egging him on to seduce me, I was only playing around; I didn't think he would actually do it. But he had clearly taken my words very literally if my racing heart was anything to go by. I urged myself to say something, anything, in the hopes that I could feel normal again instead of this blubbering mass of jelly.

"" I stuttered out like an absolute moron. 

I closed my eyes with absolute mortification. I didn't miss the soft vibrations of his laughter and the feel of his lips smirking against my ear. 

"I haven't even started, yet I'm just warming up," he whispered teasingly against my ear.

 That would probably be a smart time to warn him that if that was the start-up act, then I'd fear the main act might kill me. But obliviously, pride got in the way of me saying that.

Before I could make up some lie, that he was causing my claustrophobia to flare up or some other made-up shit, he moved again.

He tightened his hold on my wrists that he still had pinned on either side of my head before digging his head further into my neck. He placed several kisses every so lightly against the base of my ear, and as my heart started to beat even more unnaturally fast, he lightly gave the lobe of my ear a light nibble. And that's when my body officially went haywire.

 My heart was having a fit, my breath a mess, even my godamn legs were shaking. Like actually fucking shaking. I get it if this boy wanted to make a point, but was killing me really necessary. Because right now, I seriously felt like I was going to die.

As he continued to trace light kisses at the base of my ear, Nathan slid one of his hands in a nice smooth motion from my wrist right down to the small of my back. He tugged my waist closer until I felt the hard muscles of his chest press right up against mine. Softly and tantalizingly, he trailed his lips all the way down the length of my neck - applying just the right amount of pressure so that goosebumps were created, but not enough that I was fully satisfied.

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