Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The moment the words left his mouth, I lifted an eyebrow. "You want to benchpress me as in you want to use me as your weights?" I repeated back slowly. 

"That's literally what I just said. So, are you getting on or what?" he snapped impatiently.

"No, I'm fucking not," I snickered.

His lips twisted into a scowl. "Why not? You're the one who brought up bench pressing a person in the first place," he argued.

 I laughed. "I brought it up, yes, but that didn't mean I was daring you to do it."

Nathan rolled his eyes in an exasperated manner. "Oh, come on scaredy-cat. What are you afraid of?" he goaded.

 I tapped my chin in pretense thought. "Hmm, let me see, I'm afraid of my boss seeing me behave inappropriately. I'm afraid of getting fired, and er...what was that other one, oh yeah, I don't want to."

"Oh relax, your boss hardly seems like the professional type, and besides if she says anything, I'll stick up for you and say I forced you into doing it," he explained persuasively.

I narrowed my eyes. "Is that a promise?"

"Yes, fine, I promise I'll stick up for you," he said.

"Hmm, okay, fine," I mumbled as I hesitantly moved closer to the bench.

I stopped before him. "So, how am I supposed to get on?" I asked in confusion. 

"Just sit on my lap and lay against me sideways," he explained. 

I swerved my head towards him sharply. "Wait, what? Your lap? Why do I need to be on your lap?" I asked in confusion. 

He paused, a look of panic overtaking his face. "Oh, wait, sorry, I meant chest. That was a slip of the tongue," he said quickly.

I looked him up and down with humor-filled eyes. "I'm starting to wonder if this is all an excuse to touch me up. I mean you were looking at my arse earlier," I said slyly.

"Whatever just get on," he snapped impatiently. 

"Hmm, and we're eager too?" He gave me a dirty look which only made my smile widen.

 "Alright, alright, I'll get on already," I chuckled. Turning around, I slowly lowered myself onto Nathan's chest and laid the length of my body perpendicular to him like he told me.

One of Nathan's hands moved to support the center of my back while the other went to rest underneath my thighs in preparation to lift me. I cursed myself silently as little sparks of electricity ran up and down my skin at the points, he was touching. He wasn't even touching my skin directly, so this was fucking ridiculous. I was clearly entering a rather sad stage of sex-deprived.

"Watch where your hands go," I joked, attempting to ease the weird jittery feelings that were bubbling up inside me. 

Nathan sighed. "You're really, really annoying, you know that right?" he spat out drily.

 "Only for you," I teased.

He lifted his head up a little so he could see me better. "Anyway, are you ready?"

"I suppose...," I said hesitantly.

 "Excellent," Nathan smirked before settling himself back on the bench.

 In preparation for the lift, I tensed my body up and crossed my arms over my chest to make myself more rigid. Nathan took this as a cue to start. I felt the muscles in his arms flex, and then seconds later, I was pushed high up into the air. 

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