Chapter Fifty-Six

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Once I had cooked Nathan up a delectable poison, whoops, I mean soup, I marched my way proudly to his bedroom.

 I kicked the door open with my foot and approached him with a bright warm smile. Nathan, who looked all comfy tucked under his covers, lifted his head up in surprise as I entered the room. 

"Hey, look what I made you," I called out chirpily as I came to the stop at the end of his bed.

Nathan gave me a weird look, his eyes dipping to look at the bowl of soup in my hands with visible caution. 

"Should I be concerned that you look so happy to see me," he asked slowly, his eyes narrowing into suspicious slits.

"No, of course not," I smiled as I flopped down onto the end of his bed. "I'm just excited to share my new soup with you," I chuckled as I started to stir the soup around with my spoon. 

To give him a little preview of what I had in store for him, I shoveled up a large spoonful and held it high up in the air for him to see. I smirked as I saw a little bit of sardine floating at the top.

Nathan froze as he stared at the spoon. "No offense, Sophie, but what the fuck is that?" he spat, his nose wrinkling in disgust.

"It's my soup, silly. My mum used to make it for me all the time," I lied.

"'re still alive?" Nathan question slowly, still eyeing the spoon as though he expected it to jump out at him and kill him.

I slammed the spoon back into the bow, causing a few little gross splashes to fly out of the bowl. I pretended to set my eyes on him furiously. 

"Of course, I'm still alive. Are you trying to accuse my mother of trying to poison me?" I cried out in fake offense.

His eyes widened in panic. "No, no, of course not," he explained quickly. "I just,"

I pretended to sniffle. "If you don't want to eat my soup, I guess there's no point me being here," I said. Then standing up, I turned as though I was about to leave.

And now in 3...2...1.

"Wait!" Nathan yelled out. I came to a halt and then slowly turned around to face him once more. It took everything in me not to let my smile slip out. 

His eyes softened, and he scratched the back of his neck with a heavy sigh. "I' your stupid soup, give it here," he mumbled as he nodded me over with his head.

In victory, I skipped my way back over to him and settled myself into a seated position at the end of the bed.

I snickered as I saw how green Nathan's face was starting to become. It made me smile a little that he was so desperate to spend time with me that he would do all this.

It was kinda cute, in a weird way...

Shaking that thought away, I remembered my plan, and with a smirk, I shovelled a rather generous portion of the shit that I called soup onto the spoon. 

"Open wide, Natalie," I cooed. "Choo, choo," I said, making little whizzing sounds as I drove the spoon in a little airplane motion towards the direction of his lips.

"Hmm," he grimaced as he turned his head away in disgust. 

I tutted as the spoon hit his cheek. "Oh, come on baby, Natalie. You've got to eat this up if you want to be a big strong girl," I lectured as I drove the end of the spoon into his cheek in encouragement. 

Nathan gave me a spirited glare, clearly not all that happy at being referred to as a girl.

"Yummy, yummy, in your tummy," I continued to coo as I prodded and pocked at his face with the spoon.

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