Chapter Thirty-Nine

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We all have regrets in life. We do stupid shit thinking it will be a good laugh. And it is at first, but then suddenly it's not. 

My regret was writing, Sophie's Bitch, bang smack across Nathan's forehead. If I hadn't written that I might not be running like a crazy woman down a beach in a helpless attempt to escape my impending murder by a very angry Nathan Woods.

"Wait till I get my hands on you," I heard Nathan call out from behind me. 

He sounded closer than before, and upon hearing his threatening message, it inspired me to run even faster. I'm not sure what he wanted to do when he got his hands on me, but I certainly wasn't going to find out.

When I heard the heavy pounds of his footsteps grow louder, I stupidly looked back over my shoulder. I swore as I saw he was about an arm's length away - his stupid long legs likely giving him an advantage.

And then I did something so colossally stupid that I swear to god, it happened in slow motion. And, that ladies and gentleman, was skidding on the sand and falling on my fat arse.

You know the stupid girl in horror movies that you always cuss out for being so irritatingly pathetic at running away from the monsters. Well, apparently, I was that girl.

Upon impacting the ground, I quickly scrambled to my arms and legs to try and get up. But I was too late, and I felt Nathan's large arms snag around my waist. 

"Oh, no, you don't," he whispered as I thrashed wildly to escape his grasp.

 I held back on hitting him because for some reason my goody-two-shoes brain didn't want to seriously hurt him.

"Nathan, come on," I said breathlessly as I tried to claw at one of his arms. The only effect this had was to make him tighten his grip.

"So, you think you can draw on my face when I'm asleep, huh?" he whispered against my ear.

 His words momentarily silenced me, and feeling nervous, I swallowed. "It was supposed to be a joke," I squeaked out, my words punctuated with a nervous laugh.

"Hmm, was it? Because I'm not laughing," he said flatly. 

The sound caused a ripple of both fear and excitement against my skin. Yes, you heard me right, excitement. Despite the fact he was literally threatening me, my stupid body was burning from the sensation of his strong warm hands wrapped around my naked waist. I mean, it was hard not to be a little excited when we were both fairly naked with my back pushed against his front.

Before my overactive brain could get too much into the clouds, I felt one of his hands slide to rest behind the back of my knees, and then, suddenly, I was up in the air. I let out an embarrassingly shaky breath from the shock of it.

Then silently, without a word, Nathan looked down at me with an evil glint in his eyes before starting to walk.

 "Woah, Woah, Woah. What are you doing?" I choked in panic as I unsuccessfully tried to unpeel away his arms from my waist.

Nathan completely ignored all my attempts to get down and continued to carry me silently, with fast, even stride towards the ocean. It was only when I heard the rippling sound of water moving against his feet that I fully registered what he was about to do.

"Nathan, wait, don't-"

"Have fun," he chuckled. Then with a swing for momentum, I screamed as he flung me like a sack of potatoes into the open air.

I hit the surface of the water with a large crash, and I instinctively sucked in a breath before sinking down into the bubbly waves. The chilly water was a shock against my skin, further adding to my racing heartbeat.

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