Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Brandon's eyebrows raised even higher in surprise at Nathan's rather sudden outburst. I was shocked and all. I mean, who wouldn't be after a guy randomly burst out that he wasn't fingering you.

Nathan took the silence in the room as an encouragement to continue his rambling. "I-I was just helping her put a bandage on her knee. Look," he said as he grabbed a tuft of my duvet and snatched it off my legs.

An instant chill coated my legs as they met the air. I threw Nathan a nasty glare. "Hey, that's cold," I said as I stormily pulled the covers back over myself.

"Well, excuse me for wanting to help you out. Your boyfriend probably thinks that you're fucking cheating on him," Nathan whisper shouted, his eyes still widened and frazzled from visible stress. 

From his body language, anybody would think Brandon was some big macho dude that he feared might beat him up. But, in reality, Brandon was as harmless as people came.

Brandon chuckled, for some reason taking amusement out of the situation. "Look, Nathan, it's fine. I believe you. My girlfriend is known to be clumsy," he snorted, his tone dragging with a bit too much sarcasm for my taste. 

I gave him a warning look behind Nathan's back, silently telling him off for not saying girlfriend more convincingly.

Brandon sauntered over to the bed. "Let me guess, Soph, fell out of a tree or some shit?" Brandon guessed as he gave my knee a curious poke through the covers. 

"Ouch," I snapped as I recoiled my leg away in discomfort. "Be more careful next time, you idi-" I stopped myself as I caught Nathan watching our interaction with furrowed brows. "I mean, be more careful next time, honey," I said in a slightly sweeter tone.

Brandon's eyes lit with humor, but he didn't say anything in response to my endearment. My nickname for him was idiot at the best of times, so honey was quite a development. 

"No, but seriously how did you hurt it?" Brandon asked more seriously.

Before I could come up with a lie that was less embarrassing than falling out of a tree, Nathan decided to open his big obnoxious mouth.

"You were right earlier; her dumb-ass fell out of a tree," Nathan interrupted with a snort as he flopped back down on the edge of the bed.

Pissed, I gave his back a harsh jab with my uninjured foot. My lips twitched downwards as he merely jerked forward instead of falling off the bed completely.

Stupid, overly balanced asshole...

"Not sure why I'm getting attacked for telling the truth," Nathan called out slyly.

Brandon being the dickish friend he was, nodded his head in agreement. "He's got a fair point, Soph."

Brandon was about to say something else, but then his eyes drew down to Nathan's chest. "Erm...dude, why are you wearing my shirt?" Brandon asked slowly.

Nathan stared at Brandon blankly for a second or so. Then realization seemed to strike him, and he shuffled nervously in his seat. 

"Oh right, shit, sorry. I had nothing to change into after your girlfriend decided that it was a great idea to spit out all her soup on my face," Nathan said as he threw a heated glare my way.

Brandon let out a loud cackle and turned to me with a smile. "You spat soup in his face?"

I shrugged. "Well, what was I supposed to do, he shoved the spoon down my throat," I explained while innocently blinking my eyes.

"Fucking swallow it, perhaps," Nathan scoffed.

 I rubbed my chin in pretense thought. "Mmm, Nah," I finally hummed.

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