Chapter Fifty-Three

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Tilting my head, I carefully examined my reflection through the mirror. My hips were adorned in a tight cotton skirt, the black material of which contrasted nicely with my waist pinching, maroon-coloured crop top. Satisfied that my outfit looked slutty enough for a club, I smiled and wrapped my black evening coat around me.

It was my date tonight, and I was on my way to meet Liam at the downtown club. It wasn't the most romantic of locations, but I didn't really mind since it wasn't really supposed to be a proper date.

When I got his text this morning, I was incredibly tempted to stand him up, but I knew that would be an incredibly mean thing to do.

It was already bad enough I had asked him out to prove a point. And besides, who knows, maybe I might have fun tonight, or at the very least, it might help me stop thinking about Nathan all the time.

I couldn't forget the speech he gave me yesterday, it kept playing over and over in my mind like a broken track. No guy has ever said such things about me before, and no guy has certainly ever liked me that much. I mean, sure, they've liked my body, but never who I really was.

What took me aback the most was how open he was about it, how blunt. I'd never seen that level of confidence in someone, and I would be lying if I didn't admit it was hot.

Come to think of it, a lot of things he did were quite hot...

That thought instantly sparked anger in me. Why the fuck was he letting himself be hot in so many ways? Didn't he know I was trying to stay away from him?

I swear to god, some people are so insensitive...

As I thought more bitter thoughts to myself, the doorbell suddenly chimed throughout the house.

Finishing buckling up the last of my coat buttons, I made my way hurriedly to the door, wondering who was there.

The moment I swung open the door, I froze. Stood on my doorstep in a smart button-up coat was the very guy I was supposed to be avoiding - Nathan Woods. I cursed myself for not checking through the lookout hole before opening it.

 "Hmm, so you do know how to open the door for me?" he said with a teasing spark in his eyes.

I looked away in embarrassment, knowing he was referring to all the times I hadn't answered the door to him over the last week.

 Letting out a heavy sigh, I returned my eyes back to his. "Nathan, what are you doing here?"

His eyes narrowed. "I've come to chaperone your date with you and Mr pretty boy," he said simply as though it was a completely justifiable reason for being here.

"And why the hell do I need a chaperone? I'm nineteen, Nathan, not ten," I scoffed.

"Hmm, debatable," he drawled. "And you need a chaperone because you're my girl, not his," he said with a matter-of-fact shrug. 

My heart fluttered at his words, but I immediately shoved the stupid feeling away, feeling embarrassed at myself.

Before I could deny anything, Nathan cleared his throat. "So, where's Liam the leprechaun taking you, huh?" Nathan asked as he leaned against the doorframe in fake intrigue.

"Liam the leprechaun? I questioned; an amused smile pulling to my lips. 

"Well, he's short, isn't he?" Nathan said with a simple shrug as though this was a good enough reason for the name.

"Not really, he's probably only like two inches shorter than you," I snorted.

"Hmm, well, I bet he's also a couple inches shorter than me in other ways too," Nathan murmured slyly.

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