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The winter place looked stunning, it's structure made out of thick ice, which looked stupendous.

"Many centuries ago- my people built and carved this palace with their bare hands, magnificent right?" He beamed proudly, staring up at it.

"Yes, magnificent." I agree.

People bustled past us and around us, reindeer pulling carved sleighs, others shouting and laughing. A bit like Velaris, but not as wondrous. Which I of course only admit to myself.

A long, ice carved bridge is one of the few ways to get to the palace. His people must be amazing craftsmen, their work is exquisite. Carved ice swirls and patterned railings, which made the bridge a piece of art.

Aspen lead me across, his head held high wherever he goes. His people smile shyly as he approaches, or bow as quickly and deeply as they can.

However, when they saw me- they looked wary- but interested of this new comer.

We neared the great doors of the palace, which were as tall as the largest of trees.

They opened slowly, making no creaking sound- or no scuffle as they gracefully brushed the hard ice floor.

What I gathered from the Winter Court is they like ice....a lot.

Comfortable, blue pillowed chairs dotted the sides of the great opening hall.

A grand statue on display in the middle of the room, a statue of somebody I vaguely recognise.

"This is my father, Kallias the High Lord of Winter." He said, walking up to it and stared proudly.

I would too, his father looks like a true leader- stood with a sword clasped within his hands.

"Your lucky, to have a father you're proud of."

Aspen looked at me sadly, pity within his eyes- which surprised me. This is the first...non smug look I've seen before.

"Time to make up for Tamlin's mistakes then, Linetta."

I nod, if I can prove myself to everyone my father has ever hurt- maybe everything could change for me?

"What is your Spring Court like?" He asks, changing the subject.

"It's beautiful."

I miss home, I miss the beauteous side of it- the warmth of the soft sun on my skin

"You could tour me sometime, I've never been." Aspen offered, trying to invite himself.

I smiled nervously. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Why not? I want to get to know you and where you come from more- what's wrong with that?"

He's right, what is wrong with that? But when I think of Nyx....everything about it seems wrong.
Like I'm betraying him..

"My father is not one for generous hospitality, so I'd rather not invite anyone just yet."

Which is true.

Aspen looks at me for a second, his eyebrows scrunched together, contemplating.

"Let me show you upstairs."

"Tours over." I get a shock when I hear his voice, not expecting him to suddenly intervene like that. I looked behind to Nyx, standing with his arms crossed near the great ice doors.

"I've barely showed her anything." Aspen complains, outraged.

"Linetta come on." He beckons me, clearly impatient.

"Thank you for your tour, Aspen- goodbye." I quickly start walking towards Nyx, excited to have his presence by me again.

"You haven't even had a tour!" His voice is sounding angry now, frustrated- bratty actually for a man of his age.

I'm jolted back as a hand, which I can guess is Aspen's, holts me to a stop.

"Get off me." I say calmly, too calmly.

Nyx looks like he's going to attack Aspen any minute, but I shake my head at him.

"Just stay here a while more, and then I will." Aspen said, with an attempt for compromise.

I turn around in a quick movement, grabbing him by the throat- my claws slightly sliding through, making tiny droplets of blood trickle over his pale skin.

"I am kind to a certain point, Aspen, and you have very nearly crossed it." I threatened, my eyes staring directly into his. "Don't forget what I am, and who I am the daughter of."

The beast starts to show through my normal pretty features, which made him gawk in utter bewildment.

"And it seems you have forgotten."

I take my hand from his throat and turn to walk to Nyx, grinning ear to ear.

Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now