Chapter 63

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"Your fiance is here to see you" The nurse said and I saw Brian walking in

I could tell he was angry and sad, I felt terrible, once again I caused him so much pain, all because I'm so overly dramatic.

"I'm so sorry.." I sighed and put my hands over my eyes, holding back tears

I didn't even want to face him, I was embarrassed, I was so selfish. I never think that my actions have any kind of consequences but they do.

I felt him kissing my forehead and his hand was slowly caressing my arm

"I'm so glad you're okay, that's all that matters to me" He said

"Brian-" He cut me off

"I know..we don't have to talk about it now" He said

Of course he knows, it's not that common seeing your father or any person coming back from the dead

I felt a sharp pain in my heart and felt like it wanted to jump out of my chest. I held my hands over my chest tightly. I couldn't yell, I couldn't breathe!

*Brian's POV*

The machine next to Diane was beeping like crazy, I saw her struggling to breathe! I ran out of the room as I yelled for a doctor or a nurse to help!

Soon enough the room was filed with nurses and doctors doing CPR and other things on Diane.

"Sir you need to step outside!" A nurse ordered as she pushed me out of the room and shut the door to my face

The thought of losing Diane was unbareable. I fell on my knees and started crying.

My life with Diane was flashing through my eyes, from the day we met, from our first kiss, to our first fight, to her stealing my girl in that bar, to the first time we slept together, to the news of her pregnancy that brought our daughter into this world but also her miscarriage that killed her inside but never wanted to hurt me with the news.

Now that I see it, she has been through so much, I never realized that, I was so selfish and blind by what I was going through. I'm such an ass!

"God, if you save Diane I promise to be the husband she deserves! Please don't take her away from me!" I prayed even though I barely believed in Him

*6 months later*
*Diane's POV*

"I'm going out for some groceries, I'm taking Nicole with me" I said and looked at Brian

"You're overdoing it love, let me go instead" He said as he put his hand on the small of my back

"I rarely do anything anymore, I'm going! " I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek "I'll be back before you know it" I said and headed to the grocery store

My doctor is always telling me that I should really take it easy, the car accident has left me with many health problems and that anything is possible in my case, but I just think they're overreacting. Everyone is always making sure to help but Brian takes it too far, I hate being in the house, everything has changed, and I'm being treated like a child constantly.

All I want is to go out with my family and my friends and have fun. I don't want to spend my days between four walls.

My dad is constantly calling and he gets any updates from Brian, I hate this. I never gave him the right to come back to my life.. I'm angry at him for lying all these years. I'm very disappointed and I'm so over the drama. My daughter and my husband are my number one priority and they'll always be!

I reached for something I needed from the top shelf and another hand flew over mine and grabbed the thing I needed.

"Here let me help you out" Roger's soft voice echoed in my ears

For some reason his voice always calmed me down, maybe it is because it is so soft and high pitched, but I feel safe whenever I hear it.

"Thank you" I smiled as he handed it to me "Such a coincidence running into you here, I thought you had a date" I said

"Yeah, umm it was cancelled" He said

"Brian called you didn't he?" I asked

"No no no......well, technically, yes" He replied

"Roger, I'm fine, I can do some shopping on my own, go to your date" I said

"Are you sure? I'm fine with keeping you company" He said

"Listen to me, I appreciate everything you all do but life goes on and your life shouldn't stop because of what happened, I'll be okay" I smiled at him

He hugged me tightly "whatever happens call me!" He said

"Of course, now go have fun!" I replied

We said our goodbyes and he left.

Nicole was slowly starting to act out, and cry so I held her while doing the rest of the shopping, she was crying her lungs out and nothing I did to calm her was working.

"Ma'am are you okay?" The cashier asked me

"Yes, I'm so sorry, I've been trying to get her to calm down" I replied

"Ma'am you look really pale, do you want me to call someone?" She said

"I'm okay, I'm okay" I said and I felt my left hand becoming numb and my heart racing

Everyone was looking at me, I felt really uncomfortable and the sharp pain I felt was getting worse. I put my hand on the register as I struggled to breathe

"Please...hold my baby..." I said and the cashier caught Nicole from my arms before I collapsed on the ground


Who knew life was so fragile? You're shopping for groceries with your daughter and next thing you know, your lifeless body lies there, in front of so many people, adults are shocked and kids cry cause death is something they're not familiar with. The worst part of it all? You never got to say "I love you" to the most important people in your life, you can't comfort your baby daughter, you can't tell them to call your husband because at this point you're part of the crowd, and you too see your body laying on the floor, and you just know that you can't be saved..


"I'm so sorry Mr May.. We weren't able to save her, she went into a fatal cardiac arrest" The doctor said

The room went quiet, around Brian were Freddie, John, Roger and other people you knew.

Who could have imagined such a tragic ending.

I couldn't have imagined it, once more I caused terrible pain with my selfishness instead of accepting the help of the people who loved me...

Even though I now exist only as a memory and just a soul, I'm not giving up on them.

And who knows what the future has in store for them, but I'll make sure they won't be alone! I'll always be around whether they know it or not. That's who I am after all. I'm all surprises and you're not done seeing our story just yet.

~The end(?)~

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