It's A Hard Life

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"He was my mother's boyfriend, he always came by my house, he once tried to attack me and my friend and he said that he didn't want to do it and was forced by her and I trusted him, like the fool I am.." I said

"Ma'am try to calm down, he's going to jail forever. And you're lucky your boyfriend was here in time" the police officer said and looked at Brian

"Actually she called me because she didn't feel safe" Brian said

"Okay, I get it and I'll make sure he want bother you ever again miss.." he looked at his notes "Miss Diane.." he continued

That police officer looked so familiar and I knew I had seen him before

"You know..I had a daughter with the same name..she would be around your age" he said

"I'm so sorry sir" I said

He got quiet for a moment and he was looking at me the whole time "We'll keep you updated if anything happens" he got up and walked towards the front door, he must have seen the picture of my father I had on the wall because he was staring at it.

"Is everything okay sir?" Brian asked him

"Huh?" He looked at Brian "yes! Have a good day!" He walked outside and Brian closed the door

"Well that was weird" Brian said and I didn't hear him because I was looking out of the window

I was really freaked out and run to the hallway and grabbed the picture and run back to the window

"Woah slow down" Brian said but I didn't hear him again "Diane? Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face

"What?" I said and I looked at him

"What's wrong?" He asked

I gave him the picture "look at that picture and now look at the police officer" I said

"Wait what? This can't be possible, that man can't be your father, he.." he said but I interrupted him

"I know he is gone! But he looks just like him, That's the same person from the picture only 14 years older, and he said he had a daughter who had the same name as me and she would be around my age! Last time I saw him was before he passed away.." I said

"Diane I think you need to get some sleep.." Brian placed his hands on my shoulders

"No I'm fine.." I walked away from him

He started walking towards me "Diane please.." he said "That can't be your father"

"Whatever you say! You're the smart one!" I said and I walked to our bedroom and locked the door

That's so unusual of me, I never wanted to cause any trouble between me and Brian but he didn't believe me and that made me angry..

"Diane please let me in.." he said

I didn't talk but I was crying, not because of Brian, but because of the possibility that my father is still alive.

*Brian's POV*

I heard the doorbell and I opened the door, it was that police officer again

"Did you forget anything sir?" I asked

"I forgot to write down the girls last name, do you know it?" He asked

"Yes, it's...Papa...oh I don't remember the rest of it" I said " wait I'll go ask Diane"

"Is it Papanicolaou?" He asked

"Yeah that's my last name!" I heard Diane yelling from the bedroom

Trouble For MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang