Chapter 57

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*Later that morning*

The phone started ringing. I picked up and i heard Lynne's voice at the other end.

"Good morning Diane!" She said

"Good morning Lynne. What's up?" I asked

"You'll definitely love me because I have some amazing news!" She replied "You're going on a promotional tour for 2 whole months, and if everything goes according to plan the two months can turn into 3!" She said

"Oh...." I replied

"Aren't you happy? People actually want to see you live around the world!" She said

"I can't talk about this over the phone.. Can we meet up for coffee, in like..20 minutes?" I asked

She agreed and hang up. I heard brian coming down the stairs.

"Good morning love!" He said and kissed my cheek

"Good morning.." I replied

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I have some bad news and some good news, which do you want to hear first?" I asked

"The bad news" he replied

"The bad news is that I have to go on a promotional tour for 2 months..." I said

"And the good news?" He asked as he poured coffee in a cup

"I'm pregnant!" I replied and the cup fell off his hands

"Are you serious?" He asked

"Yes Brian.." I replied

He started tearing up and run to me and hugged me really tight

"So what are you going to do? Will you go? " He asked

"I don't know..i don't want anything to happen, I don't want to lose the baby again over this stupid career!" I replied

"Listen to me.. if you really want to do this, you can, just talk to Lynne and I'm sure she will not ask for too much.." he said

"Yeah but what if she doesn't give a single fuck and makes me do difficult things?" I asked

"She won't do that! Trust me.. everything is going to be okay!" He replied

"Okay.. I'll go talk to her.." I said as i grabbed my purse "I'll see you later" I gave him a kiss and headed out to meet Lynne

As I was walking at the coffee shop at the corner I felt like someone is following me. I started speeding up until I reached the door handle of the shop. I was ready to step inside and that's when I felt a finger tapping on my shoulder

I turned around and saw a young girl with her mom

"Hi!" The little girl said

"Hello.." i said trying to smile

"We're so sorry to bother you but my daughter is a big fan of you and we were wondering if you could give her an autograph if it's not too much?" The mom asked

"Yes of course!" I replied

The little girl reached in her bag to grab a paper and then handed it to me. I took a pen out of my purse and sat on one knee to be in the same height as her

"What's your name love?" I asked

"Natalia" she replied

"That's a really beautiful name, you know it's also a greek name?" I asked as i signed the paper

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