The quiet student

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After a month I finally started college. I am studying to become a pastry chef, something my mother loves but she never got to do herself. Me on the other hand always loved to make music and sing but all my mother said was that I would fail and it's not profitable, so I kept making music on my own in my house while I tried to keep up with being an actual pastry chef. As for me and Brian, we quickly became friends, not only with him but I also became friends with Freddie and John, but I still haven't figure out how to talk to Roger without being sarcastic. Since they were still on tour, I never got to spend time with them in person,only by the phone.

A loud ringing woke me up, I quickly realised it was the phone so I run to the living room and pick it up

I tried to sound like I was awake for a couple of hours.

"Good morning love" Brian said and I heard 1 voice from far away mocking him

"GoOD MoRnInG LovE" Roger mocked, there was a small pause on the phone before I heard Brian say "Shut up Roger, Sorry Diane he hasn't had his coffee yet"

I laughed "It's okay I've gotten used to it since he does the same thing everytime we're on the phone"

I heard Brian sighing softly "Yeah he's kinda annoying isn't he?" He said and I heard Roger's voice again but with a sadder tone in his voice "take that back"

"No" Brian said "anyway! so today's the big day right? Your first day in college! Are you excited?"

I didn't say anything for a while and I heard Brian saying "I'll take that as a no..are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I tried to find the right words "I just don't think it'll be as great as everyone says. I'm an introvert and I don't think I'll have any friends there"

"You're an introvert? If you're really an introvert then why on your first day in London you made 1 new friend? And you made 3 more friends later" Brian said

"If you hadn't fell on me at the airport then we wouldn't even notice each other" I said while laughing

"True" Brian said jokingly "But it was in God's plan so it would happen some day! I'm sure you'll make friends in college" Brian continued

I heard Roger's voice once again saying "And it's in God's plan that we're gonna hook up some day Diane" he laughed

"Roger is so freaking funny! That's what every girl wants from her best FRIEND" I said sarcastically

Then I heard Freddie start laughing so loud, he was so loud that I felt like he was right next to me.

"AND THAT MY FRIEND IS HOW YOU GET FRIENDZONED" Freddie said while laughing hysterically

"Brian I have to go now I'll call you when I get back home bye bye" I said in a sweet tone

"Good luck love" Brian said and I hung up but instead of getting ready I rushed to my room and grabbed the notebook I write lyrics in. After what Roger said I felt really inspired. I don't know how he does that! Everytime he talks to me even for a second I get inspired.
I quickly wrote what came to my mind and I read it out-loud:

"Boy I can't explain what you do to me
My whole world has changed and I'm living a fantasy
Tonight I'm in the mood.Please take me by your hand,I want to get in your groove"

I couldn't believe what I was reading, I couldn't believe that these words came out of me. I was just staring at the lyrics until I realised I was running late "Fuck!" I said while quickly dressing up and running out of the house. Luckily when I arrived the teacher was late too.
After a long day of my new teachers talking over and over again the bell finally started ringing, I got up and started walking to the college's yard, a girl from my class runned to me "Hi you're from my class right?" She said

"Yes I am" I said smiling

"I'm Kendall what's your name?" She said also smiling

"Diane. Nice to meet you Kendall" I said

"Nice to meet you too Diane" she smiled, "listen I was wondering since it's still early if you would like to hang out with me?" She said

"Of course" I said as we sat on a small kiosk. It was like 5 benches stuck together and it also had a small roof  to protect you from the rain
We started talking,mostly gossiping about our colleagues. It was all fun until we got into our issues. I wasn't okay talking about my family issues to someone I barely know but Kendall had no problem talking about her issues. I could tell she was sad, she pulled out a packet of cigarettes and lit a cigarette

"Do you smoke?" She asked

I nodded positively "yeah but not a lot" I said

Kendall pointed at her packet "You can take one if you want" she said and without a second thought I took one and lit it.

*1 hour later*

I honestly felt less alone today. I made a new friend and I was okay with it. We said our goodbyes and both headed to our homes. I was 1 minute away from my house and I started looking in my bag for my keys. When I found them I closed my bag and before I looked up I heard a voice saying "Diane darling you're finally back home" I looked at my front door and saw Freddie,Brian,John and Roger standing there looking at me with big smiles on their faces.

"Oh my god" I said excitedly and hugged them "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well the tour had to end sometime" Freddie said

"But Brian told me that you had 3 more shows left" I said and looked at Brian

"We wanted to surprise you" Brian said while he smiled

"Well you totally did surprise me" you looked at all of them "do you guys wanna hang out in my house" I said and they all agreed
I unlocked the door and we all got in.

"Do you have any alcohol in this house? we need to have some fun!" Freddie asked

"Unfortunately I don't but I can go and buy some" I said

"That won't be necessary darling! Roger give me your car keys I'll go bring alcohol" Freddie said

Roger gave Freddie a serious look "last time you drove my car you almost crashed it" he said

"I'll go with him don't worry" Brian said and Roger gave them his keys

John jokingly said to me "he loves his car so much, he even wrote a song about it"

Roger was starting to get pissed "hey that's a good song!"

The guys started mocking him and joking around. "Fuck off" Roger said and he sat on the couch and crossed his arms. Freddie and Brian left to bring drinks.

I gave Roger a serious look "I actually think it's a great song too"

Roger gave me a suspicious look "are you being sarcastic again?"

"No" I said "I really like the song"

Roger jumped off the couch in excitement and hugged me and John just looked at me in shock "oh my god why didn't I go with Freddie and Brian?"

"Shut up John! I actually found a person who actually likes my song" he looked at me " when they come back pleeease say it again" he smiled and I felt my cheeks blushing and I quickly looked away and tried to change the subject..

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