Chapter 59

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"Brian, wake up, something's wrong.." I cried as I tried to wake him up

No matter how much I tried, he wouldn't wake up but my pain was getting even more sharp, something was going on with my baby.

"Brian please wake up!" I begged

I immediately kicked him and he eventually woke up.

"What? What's going on?" He asked

"You need to take me to the hospital, right now!" I replied

A sharp pain went through my stomach and I just screamed at the top of my lungs. We wasted no time and headed to the hospital.

*2 hours later*

The doctor said that I have to stay on bed rest until my due date, since I had a miscarriage once then it would happen again if I wasn't careful enough.

"I guess I'll take some time off from recording the new album, I'm sure the guys will be okay with postponing it until the baby is born." Brian said as he drove back home

"You don't have to postpone it, I'll be okay. You'll just get bored being at home all day just to take care of me. I still have 3 months to my due date" I replied

"No, we're in this together. I'm staying at home, end of story." He said

We got back home and I immediately went to bed. Brian was not letting me get up to walk and I already felt like like a burden. My plan was to sleep most of the day so that Brian wouldn't have to run around to do things for me. As long as I had music to listen to, I would be fine.

*2 days later*

"Oh come on, you haven't eaten anything today, just tell me what you want and I'll go make it" Brian begged

"Do you know what I've been craving lately? Strawberries. Can you find strawberries?" I asked

"I'll go get strawberries, I'll be back in 10 minutes, you stay here okay?" He said

"Of course.." I said as he run out of the room

I sat there and counted the minutes on the clock, I was in bed rest for 3 days in total and I was already sick of it. I felt so useless and a huge burden to everyone around me, especially to Brian. Suddenly I heard the doorbell and I found my chance to finally get up for another reason other than going to the bathroom and showering. I carefully got up and started walking down the stairs.

"When I get down there my child will be already 10 years old" I mumbled

I finally made it down the stairs and opened the door and there he was. Mr Elton John with his over the top glasses I wish I could pull off as amazing as he does.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" He asked

"No no, I was just struggling to move cause of this" I replied and pointed at my baby bump

"Thank god I waited then!" He smiled "You remember I told you I would come by one of these days, right?" He asked

"Yes, of course, come in" I replied and stood to the side for Elton to walk in "What do you want me to make you? Coffee? Tea?" I asked

"Oh no dear, you just tell me where everything is and I'll make everything, you just sit down." He replied

"But you're my guest.." I started to say but he cut me off

"Yes and you're supposed to be on bed rest!" He said

"So Brian told you.." I replied

"Obviously, and that's why I waited." He replied "Now can you point at where the coffee and tea is?" He asked

I showed him where everything was and we got into talking while he made tea.

"Y'know it's hard to believe that the woman who caused chaos with her girlfriend on the newspaper and had a very successful album, settled with a guy like Brian. You're total opposites" Elton said

"Oh shit, you saw that newspaper?" I asked "And it's true, I cause chaos and Brian tries to get away from it. It's only a matter of time till he meets a woman who is in his league" I said

"What are you talking about? That man is crazy in love with you. He can talk about you for days and days!" He replied

I didn't give him a response cause I felt kinda awkward after hearing this

"So tell me, why did you retire from music so early?" He asked

"It was difficult having a baby and having a full-time career, I don't want to miss out on raising my baby. I lost a baby once for my career and I won't let that happen again." I replied

"Oh, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But don't you miss performing at all?" He asked

"I performed one time, and I was supposed to go on a promotional tour but I found out I was pregnant so that didn't happen. But I would love to go back once my child is old enough." I said

"I can help you out if you want to start your career from where you left off. Just give me a  call and I'll arrange you a performance with me." He said

"As much as I would love that, I don't want to ask you for that kind of favour." I replied

"My offer will always be open whenever you feel ready" he said

I heard keys on the door and saw Brian walking in "I'm sorry I couldn't find strawberries, but I found a strawberry pie-" he raised his head and saw Elton "Hello Elton how are you doing?" He asked as he walked in the kitchen and handed me the pie.

They started talking to each other and totally forgot I was even in the room.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, I'll go lay down for a bit." I said and struggled to get up

"Let me help you!" Elton said as he placed his arm around me and helped me stand

"Thank you, and thank you for stopping by, we'll be in touch" I said and I walked back to my room

*Brian's POV*

"Are you okay? You seem kinda off" Elton asked

"Yeah, it just..I was in this little pastry shop and the saleswoman sneaked her number in the box, I thought about putting in my pocket but Diane would find it." I said

"Did it even occur to you, to give it back to her and say, no thanks I'm in a relationship?" He asked

"I didn't want to make her feel bad. I'll get rid of it!" I said

"Give it to me! If Diane finds it, you're done." He said

I quickly handed him the paper and he placed it in his pocket.

"If you ever leave Diane for another woman I'll beat your ass." He said

"I would never do that!" I defended myself

"I'm just giving you a warning. Anyway I've got to go now. I'll see you later" he said and left

*Diane's POV*

"Oooh Diane..when will you learn?.." I mumbled as I shut the bedroom door quietly

The thought of Brian leaving me for another woman got even more real after what I heard.

I felt my heart racing as I tried to breathe. I felt like I was starting to suffocate. I sat on the bed and kept breathing.

"Diane are you okay?" I heard Brian asking

The room was spinning, I couldn't breathe anymore and my eyes were tearing up.

I felt Brian's hand massaging my back as he stood close to me. I was having a panic attack for no reason.

As he was massaging my back he reached my shoulders and kept massaging. I started calming down so much that I just let myself go and fell backwards on the bed. Everything was still blurry for me and I was still confused. But Brian helped me get under the covers and tucked me in the bed.

"I'm going to call the doctor." He said

But I was too exhausted to talk and I quickly drifted off and fell asleep

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