All That She Wants..

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"Did you tell Roger about last night?" Mary asked while we were walking on the sidewalk

"No..and I'm not going to" I said

"Alright. Are you planning on talking to him at all before the wedding?" She asked again

"Okay, why are you asking so many questions today?" I asked

"I want to tell you but Freddie made me promise not to tell" she said

"But you're going to tell me anyway.." I said

"Exactly. But you have to promise you won't say anything to anyone" she said

"I'm not! Now tell me" I said

"So..the night Roger met Kathy..he had just found out that you and Brian were together as a couple. He wasn't interested in Kathy until he found out about you two" she said

"So he was flirting with Kathy to make me jealous? That makes sense cause he literally gave me the most sad look I've seen and ignored me all night" I said

"He was hurt.." she said

"Why? I don't understand him sometimes!" I said

"He loved you that's why" she said

I looked at her and laughed "that's the greatest joke I've ever heard" I said

"I'm not joking..he loved you..I don't know if he does now but I know that he did" she said

"That's hard to believe" I said

"You liked him too at some point right?" She asked

I got silent for a moment. Mary looked at me "You did like him!"

"I don't remember ever liking him more than a friendly way, I love Roger but as a friend" I said

"And I'm supposed to believe you?" She said

"Yes because that's the truth" I said

"Alright..I believe you, but I thought you should know" she said

"Okay.." I said

We went and got coffee and we kept walking around the city. We were 2 minutes away from Mary's house. As we were walking I saw a car pulling over next to us.

"Where are you girls going this early?" Roger said

I got surprised, I didn't expect to see him. He got off the car and walked to us.

"We're just walking around, we didn't want to deal with your drunk friends" Mary said jokingly

"I know Freddie is kinda annoying when he's drunk" he laughed "But Brian isn't that annoying, he usually has a blackout really quick" he said and looked at me

I was emotionless the whole time, it felt so weird talking to him after what Mary told me, I tried to smile "Yes and apparently he talks a lot when he's drunk" I said

"Yeah he does say a lot of stupid things" he said "you should have seen John! At some point he thought I was Kendall! Such a scaring moment" he said

I started laughing "why would he think that you're Kendall?" I asked

"Because when you look at Roger from behind he looks like a woman" Mary said while laughing

"I do not look like a woman" Roger said

"Yes you do" Mary said and was still laughing

"You didn't think I was a woman when you met me right?" Roger looked at me

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