Good For You

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Since I couldn't sleep I decided to call Kendall


"Hey it's Diane do you have some free time to come over?" I said

"I was just about to go to the college. But I can skip it" she said

"That's okay you don't have to" I said

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Yes I am I just wanted to hang out" I said

"Diane.. you can not fool me. I'll be right there" she hung up

Sometimes I forget that she knows me too well and can understand everything just by the tone in my voice.

*Half an hour later*

"Hi sweetie" she walked in and hugged me "Tell me everything" she closed the door and she looked at me

"What?" I said

"Nothing" she said and we walked in the living room

She gave me a suspicious look "You had sex didn't you?"

"How do you know? I didn't even tell you!" I said

"I can tell from the way you walk, you seemed more 'comfortable' than usual and I can also tell from this" she pointed at my neck

"What do you mean?" I walked to the closest mirror and noticed a hickey

"I knoww! I thought you had seen it!" She said

"I didn't see it. My hair was down all day and I didn't even notice it!" I said while getting panicked

"Calm down please!" She tried to calm me down

"I'm totally calm!" I said

" answer me this.. who's the lucky guy?" She asked

"Promise me you won't scream or freak out" I said

"I won't I promise" she said

"Brian..." I said quietly

"BRIAN? THE BRIAN? BRIAN MAY?" She screamed in shock

"Say it louder, I think the Queen of England didn't quite hear you!" I said sarcastically

"I'm sorry.." she lowered her voice "How did that happen?"

"He was here, we were drinking,we were having fun and the only thing I remember after that, is waking up in his arms, realising what happened, freaking out and accidentally cutting my palm with a glass we obviously broke last night" I said

"Did he at least used a condom?" She asked

"Probably yes.. wait I told you all of this and you just ask me about the protection?" I asked

"That's the first thing we need to know! You don't wanna wake up one day and be like 'oops I'm pregnant'! you're too young" she said

"I knoww and you just make me panic even more" I said

"What about Roger? You told me you don't want to do anything with either Roger or Brian because you didn't want to break anyone's heart" she said

"I was drunk I didn't know that this would happen! Everything is getting more and more complicated" I sighed

*Brian's POV*

"You look really happy today Brian" Roger said sarcastically

"I'm always happy you just happened to notice it now" I said

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