Here Comes The Wedding

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*1 week later*

"Kathy, darling it's time!" I said

She stood in front of the mirror and looked at her wedding dress. "I can't believe this is happening!" She said

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Nervous.. incredibly nervous.. Am I doing the right thing? What if something goes wrong?" She panicked

"Hey, look at me!" I placed my hands on her shoulders "Everything is going to be okay. And if you really love Roger then you're doing the right thing" I said

Kendall and Mary walked in "Diane, Brian wants to talk to you" Mary said

"Okay I'll go find him in a minute" I said

"He can't wait, go find him now" Mary said

"Fine! Keep an eye on Kathy, we don't want to lose the bride" I said and I walked out of the room, I walked down the hallway and saw Brian and Freddie standing at the front door

"What's going on?" I asked

"We lost Roger!" Freddie said

"Wait what?" I asked

"He said he wanted to go for a walk before the wedding and now we can't find him" Brian said

"Okay, the wedding starts in half an hour..Brian give me my car keys" I said

He took my keys off his pocket and gave them to me.

"I'll go look for him! You two make sure to keep your mouth shut. Kathy already has doubts and if she finds out that Roger is gone she'll have a breakdown" I said

"Okay. Please be careful" Brian said and kissed my cheek

I go into my car and start driving around the neighbourhood. "Where could he be?" I thought. I drove by his house, I knocked on the door so many times but there was no answer. I drove to the recording studio. I saw their manager walking out.

"Jim!" I said

He turned around and saw me

"Hey Diane! Weren't you supposed to be at Roger and Kathy's wedding?" He said

"Yes but we lost Roger! Have you seen him?" I asked

"No I haven't." He said

"Do you mind if I look for him in the studio?" I asked

"Sure but I don't think he's here,I would have seen him" he said and opened the door for me

I walked in and I heard someone playing the drums, I walked in the studio and I saw Roger.

"There you are!" I said

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" He asked

"There's no time for questions! We were so worried for you! Why did you run away?" I asked

"I don't know..I guess I freaked out.." he said

"I know, everyone starts freaking out before their wedding. It's totally normal but Roger we have to go back, Kathy will have a breakdown if she finds out that you're gone" I said

"I don't want to go there. Tell her I'm sorry.." he said

I had to figure out a way to get him back.

"Okay..if that's what you want.." I started walking away and I placed my arms around my belly and fell on my knees and fake cried

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" He run next to me

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