Chapter 46

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*2 weeks later*

"So you've got a new gig tonight?" Brian asked

"Yeah.." I sighed as I did my make-up in front of the mirror

"What's the matter love?" He asked

"Ever since Leo asked me out and I basically turned him down, things have been too awkward.." I said as I was placing my lipstick in my bag.

"I'm sure he's over it." He said

"He's not! You should had seen him at the rehearsals last night! He did everything he could to embarrass me in front of the owner of the pub.." I took a deep breath "I think I should... just.. leave the band! I'm so tired of his bullshit!" I yelled as Brian quickly pulled me into a hug

"Look.. I'll handle him if he tries to do anything tonight! You love the band! If anyone should leave then that person should be him!" He said

I tried to keep it together. But I just couldn't handle Leo anymore. We made our way to the pub I was playing with the band tonight and met the rest of the band..Leo wasn't there which wasn't something unusual since he's always late.

Brian gave me a quick kiss "Good luck" and a genuine smile appeared on his face before he went to meet the rest of our friends.

I felt a hand on my shoulder "How are you doing?.." Joe asked

"I'm good for now.. where's Leo?" I asked

"I don't think he's coming." He said

"Why not?" I asked

"Because he's a total wanker!" Carl said as he was setting up his drum kit

"Leo is the reason our former front man left the band, and we didn't want to lose you too, you're such a good singer and to be honest you're like our little sister...and we don't let anyone bully our family..and with that, we kicked him out" Joe said

I was tearing up from what I heard and hugged them "I love you guys!"

"We love you too.." Joe said and we got back to getting ready for the gig.

I had brought Veronica backstage and I talked to her about being afraid of Leo while she was helping me with my eyeliner. I suddenly heard Carl's voice

"You don't have to be afraid anymore, he's never coming back, and if he does, he'll have to deal with me and Joe first" he said

"Thank you Carl..hey quick question! If Leo is out then who's going to replace him?" I asked

"Don't worry about that.." he said and walked back on stage

I walked Veronica back to John and made my way up the stage

I tried to spot Brian in the crowd but I couldn't, because he wasn't there, I saw Freddie waving at me before the spotlight was turned on and I had a better view of Carl and Joe. I didn't see a new guitarist and I was already sad that Brian was gone from the crowd. But the show must go on

"How is everybody doing?" I asked while holding the microphone close to my mouth

Almost everyone cheered and I was interrupted by Joe

"I see some disappointed faces in this room and I bet you're wondering 'Where's the guitar player?' to which I answer, He's out! And we would like you to meet our temporary guitarist who was more than happy to help us out tonight.." he said

I got confused and asked "Who is it?"

"Make some noise for Queen's one and only, Brian May!" Joe said and the girls in the crowd went crazy

My jaw dropped as Brian walked on stage. He was holding his red special and waved at the crowd.

"Well hello Brian! Didn't see you back there." I said as I was trying to hold in my laughter

Brian laughed "That means the surprise worked!"

"You see, Diane here is a big Queen fan and she always had a crush on Brian May so we brought him here tonight as a surprise" he said

I just stood there and laughed awkwardly and walked to Joe, hugged him "Once we're off stage I'll kill you" I whispered in his ear

I then walked to Brian and hugged him"I'm hoping this wasn't your idea.." I whispered in his ear

"I mean they did let me play for tonight to fill in for the missing guitarist but I had no idea they would do that" he whispered

"I'll kill them and thank you for helping us out" I whispered and the "aw's" from the crowd interrupted us

"I'm sure his girlfriend would kill her if she saw that!" A girl yelled at me

"But I'm his girlfriend darling!" I said through the mic

The whole room went silent and I heard someone yelling "YES, FINALLY! WOOHOO! I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU TWO!"

"Shut up Fred" Brian said through his mic and he laughed

"Can we just..begin?" I asked

And so the concert begun... everything went better than I expected and Brian really seemed to enjoy his time up there.

Towards the end "Do you want to sing a song for us?" I asked Brian

"I'd love to!" He said and nodded to Joe and Carl

"In the year of '39 assembled here the volunteers
In the days when lands were few
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn
The sweetest sight ever seen" he started singing

I stood at the corner of the stage and just listened. 39 was my most favourite song

"And the night followed day
And the story tellers say
That the score brave souls inside
For many a lonely day sailed across the milky seas
Ne'er looked back, never feared, never cried"

And I quickly jumped in and started doing backing vocals

"Don't you hear my call though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
Write your letters in the sand
For the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew" All of us in there sang

When the song ended everyone clapped and so did I and gave him a hug

"Thank you so much for tonight! Goodnight everybody!" I said and I rushed off the stage

Brian tried to exit from the door that leads to the pub

"Oh no no no, come with me!" I said and grabbed his hand and went out from the back door.

"Where are we going?" He asked

"Somewhere Freddie can't find us" I said and found my car.

We got in and got the freak out of there before Freddie could find us

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