Trouble For Me

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I was sitting in the living room and I was waiting for the girls. I decided to light a cigarette but I immediately regretted it. I suddenly couldn't even stand the smell of it so I put it away. Something is really wrong with me

When I heard the doorbell I run to the door and hugged the girls. I took them by surprise

"I'm so glad you're here!" I said and they walked in

"Are you okay?" Kendall asked

"No! But we'll talk about that later" I said "So what's up with you two?" I asked them

"You know what's up with me, we were together 3 hours ago" Mary said

"And I nothing new to say..Why don't you tell us what's up with you?" Kendall said

"Okay! Do you want some coffee first?" I tried to change the subject

"No, sit down and talk to us." Mary said

"Fine.." I sat on the couch

"Well? What happened?" Kendall asked

"You have to promise me that you'll not freak out cause I don't know if it's for sure" I said

"We won't freak out" Mary said

"Here's the thing..I think I might be pregnant" I said

"What?" Kendall accidentally raised her voice

"Calm down Ken! Okay.. there's only one way to find out if you're really pregnant" Mary said

"I know..but I don't want to.. I'm scared" I said

"You've got nothing to be afraid of!" Kendall said "I'm going to buy you a pregnancy test." She said and run out of the house.

"Does Brian know about this?" Mary asked

"No and I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell him" I said

"But he has to know.." she said

"No..please..if he finds out he will probably break up with me" I said

"Do you even know Brian? He would never do that!" She said

"We don't even know if I'm pregnant for sure" I said

"But what if you are? Won't you tell him?" She asked

"I don't know.. I'd like to think that I'm not" I said

Kendall got back to my house "I bought two different tests just to be sure!" She handed me the tests

"I don't want to do this" I got really emotional

"We're here for you no matter what the tests show.." Mary said

"You can do it!" Kendall said

I went to the bathroom and took both tests. 5 minutes went by, I walked out of the bathroom holding the two pregnancy tests

"So??" Mary said

"I can't look at them" I said while crying

Mary got up and grabbed the tests and looked at them, she then showed them to Kendall. They both gave me a surprised look.

"Please tell me they're negative!" I was on the verge of breaking down

"They're positive.." Kendall said

"Are you joking?" I asked

"No..they're really positive" Kendall said and showed me the tests

"Oh my it can't be true" I cried

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