Chapter 44

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"So.. you're in a band now.. how's that working out for you?" Freddie asked

"It's great.. it's a lot of work but it's also fun.." I said

"Why did you move? And why didn't you tell us?" John asked

Only Brian knew why I had to move and the day before I moved I called him and told him everything. He only knew were I was going and he knew I wanted some time alone. I'm glad to know that he didn't say anything to them.

"I couldn't afford the rent and so I moved.. that's all you should know." I said

"Bullshit!" Freddie said "Don't tell me that you moved because of these wankers in your neighbourhood!"

"If you knew a better solution then you should have told me. They made my life a living hell. What did you expect me to do?" I said loudly

"I'm sorry..I had no idea.." he said

An awkward silence filled the room.

"Can we just forget about what happened and move on with our lives?" I asked

"Of course.." Brian said

"Do you want to go out there and get a drink?" I asked them

They agreed and we made our way to the bar. We grabbed a couple of drinks and sat at a table. After a couple of  drinks I ended up dancing with Brian. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" Leo asked

"Um sure.." I said and walked to the bar with him

"So what's up with you and him?" He said and pointed at Brian.

"Nothing why?" I asked him

"I was just curious.." he said "Listen.. would you like to go out with me some time?" He asked

"Uhh.. I would like that but..." I said

"Say no more.. that's fine" he said "I'll see you later, goodnight" he said and left

I walked back to Brian "I'll go get another drink. Do you want anything?" I asked

"No thanks.." he said

I went and got another drink and later on I got another one. I just wanted to forget what happened so I had a few more drinks until Brian stopped me.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"Then why are you drinking so much?" He asked

"I don't drink too much..can you just mind your business?" I said

He gave me a disappointed look "Fine.." he said and walked away

I quickly realised what I just did so I run after him "Brian please wait." I said

He turned around and faced me

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked to you like that.. you're just worried.. I get it." I said

"You know what Diane? You have no idea how much I care for you. You really don't..Look at you! You're just let yourself go after a minor inconvenience and you don't let anyone help you!" He said

I didn't even know what to say next which made him even more mad.

"If you could just think before you speak! You're hurting all the people who love and care for you by not thinking enough about what comes out of your mouth when you're drunk.." he said

"I'm sorry... you're right.." I said

I looked up at him "It doesn't matter if I'm right or just need to trust me okay? If you don't trust me then I can't help you" he said

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