Love triangle

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The phone started ringing again.

"Aren't you going to answer the phone?" Freddie asked

"Nope I'm not really in the mood to talk to whoever is calling" I sighed

Freddie gave me a sympathetic look "You know.. they are just worried about you" he said

"I know" I tried to explain "But they argued over a damn cigarette..what is wrong with them? They weren't like this when I met them" I said

"Can I be honest with you darling?" Freddie asked

"Yeah" I answered him

"They always argue but not over stupid things. But when they both fancy the same girl they tend to act stupid" he said

"Oh really? Do I know that girl?" I acted like I didn't know anything but I knew that it was me. I wanted to see if Freddie would tell me the truth

"Darling it's you, I thought you kinda knew what was going on" he said

I couldn't lie to Freddie. He is the only one I actually trust. He's my friend "I knew, I overheard what you and John told Brian. That's why I freaked out that day.." I sighed

"So what you told Roger was..." He said

"That was totally true. But I didn't freak out about it that day" I said

"I understand.. I'm sorry but I have to ask you, do you like Brian or Roger?" He asked

"I honestly don't know. They're both great. Brian is really caring and really sweet. Roger is caring too but from what I've heard he kinda is a womanizer..I had a friend back in Sydney that supposedly slept with him when she was living for a year here and she saw him with another woman the next day" I explained to Freddie

"Wait what? What is your friend's name??" He asked me

"Mona, why?" I asked

"Mona..." He tried to think and pulled out a picture of him and a girl at one of their concerts "is that your friend?" He said

I looked at the picture closely "What the actual fuck? Yes that's her!" I looked at the picture in disbelief

"You have great friends" he said clearly pissed off

"Why what happened?" I was shook

"Me and Mona used to date, after our career kicked off. I met her in the band's first gig. She cheated on me with Roger. Actually she took advantage of drunk Roger and I caught them. I obviously broke up with her and she was pissed. Roger found out the next day what actually happened and he was so angry at her" he explained

"Makes more sense now..cause she's also the reason I'm not into the whole 'falling in love' thing" I said

"What do you mean darling?" He asked

"I mean that she slept with my boyfriend at that time when I was still in Sydney" i looked down "and they're already dating now for 2 years. She was a bitch" I cried

"That's one more thing we have in common. Come here darling" he pulled me into his arms

"Can you believe I also wrote a song about him? That jerk!" I said

"You write songs?" He asked surprised

"Yeah I do." I got up and run to my room, I run back to the living room with my notebook "I also sing" I gave him the notebook

"You do? And how come I never heard you sing?" He smiled at me

"Cause I only sing in my own little personal studio!" I said

"You have a recording studio in here?" He said

"Yeah. I'm surprised you haven't seen it! It's right there" I pointed to the closed door across the room

" Wow did you wrote this?" He asked me and showed me a song titled "Somebody to love"

"Yeah..I didn't really like it..if you want it you can take it! I'm sure you're gonna make it into something perfect. It's a shame to leave it in a notebook" I said

"Are you serious?" He looked at me like a happy puppy

"Yeah go for it" I giggled "but if you decide to record it don't tell the boys that I wrote it." I looked at him

"Why not? You obviously have a talent. Now let me hear you sing" he ordered

"I don't want to" I fake cried

"I won't make fun of you darling now sing" he smiled as he kept looking through the notebook

The truth is that I was nervous. I was about to sing in front of the best vocalist of the world. I decided to just go for it. I sang the song I gave to Freddie. With the same passion I had when I wrote it. I could see that Freddie was shook..
I don't know if he was shook in a good way though. I immediately stopped and felt bad

"Darling why did you stop? That was the best thing I've ever heard."

I actually smiled "really?"

"Yes!" Freddie said and hugged me "Now I want you to answer me something"

"Sure" I said in confidence

"This song is recent" he showed me the song I wrote the day after the hangover. It was called 'Heaven on Earth'

I freaked out "yeah so?"

He smirked playfully "who inspired you to write this?"

"No one I just wrote it!" I said nervously

"It's Roger isn't it??" He tried to make say the truth

"No it's not Roger!" I defended myself

"Then it's Brian!" He gave me a serious look

"No it's not!" I looked down and I felt Freddie judging me "fine I'll tell you who inspired me! Roger inspired me but that doesn't mean anything. I mean Brian has inspired many of my songs too"

A voice in my head screamed "Shut up Diane. Please shut up..oops you told him everything! Good job now he knows and will tell them!"

"Brian and Roger?. Well that's a messed up love triangle" Freddie said jokingly

"You can't tell anyone about this!" I made him swear to his life

"I won't tell them anything..but you have talk to them about what happened today, they're really worried!" He said

We heard a loud knock on the door and I freaked out

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