Chapter 53

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*Brian's POV*

After a long day in the recording studio I was looking forward to seeing what Diane was up to again. I looked at the clock, it was 10pm and I got a weird feeling before walking in the house. I got lost in my thoughts and before I knew it I saw Diane standing on the now open front door. She walked up to me and hugged me as tight as she could

"What happened?" I asked

"Nothing, I'm just glad you're home" she replied as she buried her face in my chest

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"Yes everything is settled.. I'm just tired" She replied and we walked in the house

*Diane's POV*

Joe and Carl met with Leo and told me that I have nothing to worry about anymore, buy frankly, I'm scared. They sounded weird over the phone and I don't know if it was because I left the band or something terrible happened between them and him. But I didn't want to overthink it anymore.

"I decided to leave the band.." I said as soon as Brian closed the door

His jaw almost dropped "Are you joking?" He asked

"I'm not joking..." I replied

"But why? That's your dream..please don't tell me you left because of that wanker?" He asked

"Of course not.. I just realised that I can't handle being in a that the band's career started taking off, I realised that I can't handle the spotlight.. I mean, you saw what happened with Clarissa and now with Leo's blackmailing. I just want to live my life the way I want to, without anyone over my head watching and judging!" I replied

"Oh please you handled that first incident like a pro, if it was us in your place we would already be in so much trouble. You and the band are great together, you perform awesome gigs and you also have signed a record deal at the same record company as us! Once you get a deal everything clears up." He said

"The record company already asked me to sign a contract for a solo career because they don't want to let me go..." I said

"And what did you say?" He asked

"I don't know..I told them I'd think about it but I can't do that to Carl and Joe..I told them why I left and I can't just go and create a solo career.." I replied

"Whatever you choose to do, I'll support you!" He said

"Thank you" I said and smiled

I was in a serious dilemma, I didn't want to disappoint Joe and Carl, I don't want to disappoint anyone! I really wanted to do something on my own and I couldn't care less about not making it. The only thing that keeps bothering me is that they want me to someone I'm not. They want me to dance, they want me to always be on point, they want me to lose and not gain weight, they want to create a 'pop-star'. I'm willing to give it a try but there are always consequences to everyone's choices. From this day forward everything is going to change, I might lose, I might win. Nobody knows the future

*6 months later* 

"What do you think about this song?" My new manager asked as she handed me the lyrics to a song called 'Rememberance of who I am..'

"Is this supposed to be a ballad?" I asked while I was reading the lyrics

"Yes! So..what do you think?" Lynne,my manager, asked

"I love it, when will I record it?" I asked

"Tomorrow you have to come to the recording studio and we can begin with the recording of the new album, this song will be the second single!" She replied with a face full of happiness

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