Say you won't let go

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"we all were so worried for you..I was thinking of you everyday" Brian said "you didn't even call and that made me think I would never see you again"

I looked at him, he was tearing up as he hugged tighter "what are you talking about Bri?..I could never leave you but I wasn't okay, I needed some time alone" I said

"I know." He looked at my face, I was still pale and my eyes were getting better "when John told me that you had changed I got scared that you had given up on your life.. please promise you won't let go.." he said

"I'm not letting go.. it will take a while before I go back to normal but I'm trying" I smiled and pulled away "Did you speak with Roger?" I asked

"No I haven't, should I?" He sarcastically

"What is the matter with you and Roger? You used to tell him everything" I said

"The problem with Roger is that he does everything he can so that he can have you! Ever since he found out that I like you he suddenly started liking you too" He said

"Whoa! What?" I said

He covered his mouth quickly "I didn't say that!" He said

"Yes you did!" I said

"I didn't I was just joking" he laughed in a fake way

I just looked at him, the room was filled with silence and my phone started ringing and I left a sigh of relief and run and answered. It was my aunt Irene. I started talking in English and then I remembered that she also wanted me to talk to her in Greek. I looked at Brian and said "please don't judge me for this" and I started talking Greek..with a Australian accent.

I could hear Brian laughing, I ripped a piece of paper from my phone catalogue while I was talking, I formed it into a ball and threw it at him

"Είσαι μόνη σου;(Are you alone?)" She asked

"Όχι είναι ένας φίλος μου εδώ, ο οποίος είναι πολύ γλυκούλης!( No my friend is here and he is really cute!)" I said

"Είναι αυτός που μου ελεγες;( is he the one you were talking about?)" She asked

"Exactly!" I said cause I didn't remember the word in greek

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"I didn't understand a word from what you said!" Brian said

"Good!" I started walking to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and took a sip

"So you told your aunt that I'm cute?" He said and I choked on my water

"Excuse me?" I said while coughing

He laughed "I'm just joking, I really have no idea what you said. I just wanted to see how you would react"

I got scared for a second. It didn't sound like he was joking, it sounded like he knew. Something's going on here and I'm going to find out.

We sat on the couch and we started talking. We had a drink. After a while he said a joke

"Δεν είσαι αστειος.(You're not funny.) I whispered and faked my laugh to mislead him

"Yes I am!" He gave me a serious look

"AHAA I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF" I said and I got excited

"Noooooo!" He yelled

"Busted! You have some explaining to do!" I laughed

"I have nothing to explain" he said playfully

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