Around The World

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Brian leaned in and kissed me. It took me by surprise and I pulled away quickly.

Brian looked down "I'm so sorry I'm so stupid" he said

"I-i have to go.. I'll see you later" I got off the car

"Wait Diane please.." he begged

I started walking fast. I stopped walking when I was sure that he couldn't see me. I was freaking out

"What just happened? Why did he do that?" I kept thinking in my head and I made my way back to my house. As soon as I walked in the house my phone started ringing.

"Hello" I said with a shaky voice. I heard a woman's voice from the other side of the phone

"Diane. It's me your aunt Irene from Greece" she said

**Side note: Diane's father was Greek and he moved in Australia when he met her mother**

"Aunt Irene? I haven't talked to you in a year I think! How are you?" I said with a happy tone in my voice

"I'm trying to be fine sweetheart" he said and I caught the sad tone in her voice

"Is everything okay there?" I asked

"No and that's why I'm calling you..your yiayia(grandmother) passed away last night" she said

"What?" I started shaking

"I'm so sorry Diane..I knew you had plans on visiting her in the summer..but she's gone.." she said "the funeral is in two days, we would really appreciate it if you could make it."

"I'll be there.." I said while I tried to hold back my tears

"Call us when you land and we'll come pick you up" she said

"Okay thanks auntie" I said and I hung up. Next thing I knew I was on the floor and I was crying so hard that I couldn't breathe

I was crying for a whole hour, when I was more calm I reached to the table and grabbed the phone and called Freddie. When he picked up I was already crying again

"Diane what's wrong?" He asked

"My yiayia passed away" I said while crying

"Your what?" He asked and I remembered that he doesn't know that's it's a Greek word we use in Australia and Greece

I took a deep breath and said "I meant my grandmother, listen I need a favour" I tried to speak clearly

"I'm so sorry for your loss...What can I do for you?" He said

"I'm going to Greece for a few days for the funeral..can you take care off Britney while I'm gone?" I asked him

"Of course darling I'll come pick her up, do you want me to drive you to the airport?" He said

"No it's okay I'll take a cab" I said "thank you so much for doing this" I cried again

"I'll be right over there" he hung up

I found the courage to get up and walk to my room. I packed a small suitcase.."I didn't even get to say goodbye" I thought and broke down again.

I heard a knock on the door and run and opened and I saw Freddie.

"I'm so sorry for your loss" he hugged me when he saw me

"Thank you" I said but my voice was almost gone

He walked in with me and we sat on the couch.

"I know that's not the right time to say this but I didn't know you were half Greek" he said

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