Under Pressure

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I heard a knock on the door.

"Diane are you okay?" I heard my father's voice coming from the other side of the door

"Yes..come in" I said while I wiped away the tears from my eyes

He walked in and when he saw me crying he hugged me

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked

"I guess I lost my best friend..she said all these horrible things and said that I betrayed her for helping a friend move on from her" I said while crying

"You know you didn't betray her.. it's not your fault she can't handle the real life" he said

"I didn't expect that from her.. she's my best friend..she should trust me instead of accusing me" I said

"You know what? It's her loss, not yours!" He said

I just nodded, I kept crying and I hugged him

"It's okay.. let's change the subject. How are things with you and Brian?" He asked

"Everything is good" I grabbed a tissue and wiped my tears from my eyes "We're really excited for the babies" I said

"Has he popped the question yet?" He asked

I started laughing

"What's so funny?" He asked again

"He knows how I feel about this issue, so I don't think he will" I said

"Why don't you want to get married?" He asked

"I don't want to get married because I'm not ready for it and I don't want me and Brian to end up like mom and you." I said

"You know what's the difference between me and your mom and you and Brian?" He asked

"What's the difference?" I asked

"I married your mother because I got her pregnant..we never fully loved each other..and that's our main difference." He said

"Okay..I get it..but that doesn't change my mind" I said

I looked at my father he kept looking at the door, he seemed anxious

"Oh..oh god no..dad..he's not about to propose right?" I panicked

"Riiight..." He said nervously

"Oh my god! Why?" I could feel my heart beating so fast

"Diane.. please calm down, I'll go talk to him" he said

"No! That'll break his heart.." I said and I saw Mary running in the room and she shut the door behind her

"Brian is going to propose to you!!" She said

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" I said

"Watch your language.." my dad said

"Sorry.." I said "Did he tell you he will? I asked Mary

"No.. Freddie told me" she said

"Okay I can't walk out there, I'll definitely pass out, or I'll say something that will hurt his feelings" I started panicking..tell him I'm not feeling good" I jumped under my blanket

"Can I please have a minute with Diane, sir?" She asked my dad

"Of course but before I go.." he said put his hand on my shoulder "remember what we talked about earlier, everything is going to be alright" he said and kissed my forehead and walked out of the room.

Mary sat on the bed "How are you feeling?" She asked

I looked at her "how am I supposed to feel?" I yelled and I covered my face with my hands

"First of all don't yell at me!" She said

"I'm so sorry.." I started crying again "I can't get over what happened with Kendall and now I find out that Brian wants to propose!" I said

*Roger's POV*

"How are you doing Brian?" I asked

"Why are they taking so long upstairs? Do you think she knows?" Brian asked nervously

"I don't think she knows, can you calm down?" I said

"I can't..I think I should postpone it, I mean she just fought with Kendall, one of her closest friends, she must be feeling terrible.." he said

"You totally should postpone it!" I said

I was so relieved when Brian said that. Deep down I know I'm not over her. She always talks bad about herself and she doesn't know how beautiful she is to my eyes but what can I do? She's pregnant with my best friend's babies and they'll probably get engaged and married and there's nothing I can do..

"Earth to Roger!" Freddie waved his hand in front of my face

"What?" I said

"You completely zoned out! Are you okay?" He asked

"Uhh.. yes..I'm fine" I said

"You don't seem fine to me.." he said

But before I got to answer I saw Diane and Mary walking down the stairs. I couldn't help but stare at her. Our eyes met for a second and I felt my heart racing. Freddie stood next to me

"If I were you I would stop staring at Diane" he whispered

I looked across the room and saw Brian giving me an angry look. I immediately looked away

"I'll go get a drink" I said to Freddie and walked at the bar.

*Diane's POV*

I walked down the stairs and Brian walked to me

"I'm so sorry for what happened.." he said and he pulled me into his arms

"It's okay..I should have seen it coming" I said

"Are you okay?" I heard Roger saying.

I turned around and I saw him standing behind me. I just nodded

"I've already forgot about it" I said and I looked around "Where's John and Veronica?" I asked

"Veronica had to go so John drove her home, and he didn't want to bother you, he told me to thank you for what you did for him" Brian said and smiled

I smiled "He deserves to be happy" I said

"Aren't you the sweetest person ever?" He said and hugged me

*30 minutes later*

The phone started ringing, I got up and walked to the hallway were the phone is.

"Hello?" I said when I picked it up.

There was no answer, I waited for a minute, there was still no answer from the person who called so I hang up. As I made my way back to the living room I got a weird feeling.

I walked in the living room and I saw everyone standing up and looking at me and Brian was standing in front of them

"What's going on?" I asked

I knew what was going on. That was so stupid of me to ask.

I saw Brian falling on one knee. At that moment a voice was screaming inside my head "It's coming! Run!" But I stood still.

"I fell in love with you the day I saw you. You complete me in every way. I want to share every moment of my life with you, I will take care of you and I will never make you cry. I promise to never leave you alone, I promise to be with you for life." He said and he took a small box off his pocket

"Diane...Will you marry me?" He opened the box and I saw the ring

Tears started rolling out of my eyes. Everyone including Brian were waiting anxiously for my answer

I took a deep breath..Brian was getting more and more nervous

"Y-yes" I stuttered

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