Chapter 55

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I was trying to put on a brave face for Brian but deep down I knew what had happened but I needed the doctor to confirm it.

A couple of hours later the results came out, the doctor asked me if I wanted Brian in the room but my answer was no. I was so afraid of the results, I Just wanted to keep everything the doctor would say to myself, I've already thought of what I'll say to Brian.

"It's what we were afraid of.." the doctor as he looked through some papers

"Just tell me, I can handle it.." I said

"You were pregnant and you had a miscarriage.. I'm so sorry!" He said

Tears filled my eyes and I quickly buried my face in my hands.

"From now on if you get pregnant again you'll have to be very careful because it can happen again." He continued

I nodded and kept crying "Can I please be alone for a moment?" I asked

He agreed and gave me a slight pat on my back "do you want me to tell your boyfriend?" He asked

"Please don't, I don't want him to know, please promise me you won't tell him? Tell him something less serious happened!" I begged

"As you wish.." he said "I'll give you some time, you can go home whenever you are ready!" He said and walked out of the room

My heart broke into a million pieces at the hearing of these devastating news. I was looking forward to telling Brian that I'm pregnant, ever since that pregnancy test turned out to be positive. But now I can't, because I killed our baby for my stupid career. It's all my fault!

I heard a knock on the door and I quickly wiped my tears away. Brian walked in.

"How are you feeling? What did the doctor say?" He asked

"It's nothing to worry about, I just overworked myself and my body just broke down.." I said

"Were you crying?" He asked as he grabbed my face

"Well yes..I got nervous, I'm sorry.." I said

"You have nothing to apologize about." He said and hugged me

"Can we go home?" I asked

"Of course.." he said and we walked to the car and found Freddie

Brian explained to him what happened and we all drove back home. The whole drive back home Freddie was giving me a weird look, it was like he knew. Maybe I'm just overreacting and he knows nothing

After we dropped Freddie at his house we started driving back to my house.

"Are you hungry?" Brian asked

"No.." I replied "I just want to go to sleep.." I said

He nodded as he held my hand. We arrived at my house and I immediately run to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I had a quick shower and then went to bed. Brian layed down next to me and held me until I fell asleep. We didn't talk at all about what happened or about the performance. I felt so could I let this happen? Thanks to my stupid career I lost our baby. That's it, I'm done with all of this. I'm done with them, I want to do things my way, if they don't like that, they can end the contract.


I've fallen into deep depression these past few weeks, I only leave the house to visit the recording studio. People outside are starting to recognise me even more and some of them are coming up to me for autographs. I put on a fake smile and a brave face and just give them what they want. I feel even more empty every day that goes by. Good thing I'm so good at hiding it, even Brian hasn't noticed, or so I thought.

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