Love Of My Life

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I went back to work. Thankfully my boss took me back. I met my new co-worker, he's nice to everyone and he gladly updated me on what changed during the time I was away.

"If you don't need anything else then I should go back home" Zack told me

"I think you've told me everything, go get some rest" I smiled at him

"See you later love!" He said and walked out of the store

When he said that I started thinking about Brian..he always called me love even though it's something really common to say here. I tried not to cry again and got back to work.

My boss walked out of his office and walked to me "So how's motherhood?" He asked

"So far it's great!" I said

"I talked with my niece and I just wanted to tell you that if you need anything just ask" he placed his hand on my shoulder "Everything will get better soon" he said.

"I know..thank you" I said

A customer walked in and I walked to her to help her. It was a woman around the age of 60 and she looked really familiar

"Can I help you ma'am?" I smiled

"No thank you, I'm just looking.." she looked around "Actually can I ask you something?" She asked

"Of course!" I said

"I'm here to visit my son, his fiance and my grandchildren..and from what my son told me, she also loves animals and I bet their kids will love them too.." she said

"So you're looking for a pet for them?" I asked

"Exactly! But I want to surprise them so I will probably come by tomorrow and go straight to their house..can you help me find a fish or a dog or a cat for them?" She asked

"Of course, follow me" I said and I walked her to adoption area

After half an hour of helping her she finally found the animal she wanted to adopt..

We walked back to my desk and grabbed my notebook and a pen

"Can you tell me your name so that I can write it down to remember it?" I asked

"Of course sweetie, it's Ruth..."

I wrote down her first name and I was waiting for her to tell me her last name

"And the last name is May" she said

The pen immediately fell off my hand and I looked at her

"Are you okay darling?" She asked

"Y-yes" I stuttered and picked the pen from the floor and wrote her name on the notebook

"Diane, Kathy called she wants to talk to you" I heard my boss saying from his office

"Can you excuse me for a moment?" I asked

"Actually my son is about to meet me outside in 5 minutes but if it's urgent please go.." she said

I felt my whole body shaking and tried to walk towards his office but I didn't make it. I ended up passing out in front of Brian's mother.

*15 minutes later*

I woke up in my boss's office and I realised I was in Brian's arms. I gently pulled away from him but I didn't want to cause a scene knowing his mother was probably out there listening.

"Are you okay love?" He asked

"Yes I'm fine" I tried to get up but I felt dizzy so I sat on the chair "that's your mother out there?" I asked

"Yes.." he said

"Okay..." I said

"Look I don't know what Roger said, but Freddie didn't lie, I didn't lie know I would never cheat on you because I love you!" He said

"Don't say something you don't mean, I saw you and her! What am I supposed to think?" I said

"You have every right to be mad but she drugged me. I didn't know what she was trying to do and I tried to stop her but I passed out.." he said

"Okay.." I said

"Can you forgive me?" He asked

"You do realise that what I saw broke my heart..and even if it wasn't your fault it will still take time to forgive you.." I said

"I totally understand, take as much time as you want and you'll see that I really love you and If I lose you and our babies then my life is just pointless.." he said and his eyes were full of tears

I didn't know what to say..I just hugged him..

"I'll come back home with the girls after work" I said "Now go spend some time with your parents" I tried to smile

He kissed my cheek and we walked out of the office

His mother walked quickly to me "how are you feeling darling?" She asked

"I'm feeling great now, thank you so much" I smiled at her and she grabbed my hands and kissed my cheek

"Anyway mom what are you doing here in this shop?" Brian asked

"Say you saw me fainting outside" I mouthed at her

"I was waiting for you and I saw her fainting and I was concerned and walked in to ask for help.. I had no idea that she's your fiance" she said

I smiled at her and nodded

"And may I say that she's a lovely young lady. I hope you treat her the right way!" She looked at Brian

"Of course I do!" Brian said "let's go find dad and we'll meet Diane after work, okay?" Brian asked

"Sure, and we'll see our grandchildren?" She asked

"Of course, they spent the day with their other grandfather and me and Diane will go pick them up later!" Brian said

"No, you will go pick them up and me and your dad will get to know our future daughter-in-law" she said

I smiled at them, we said our goodbyes and they left..A sudden feeling of guilt filled me up..I slept with Roger..and Brian's mom thinks I'm a nice girl.

I got back to work and kept trying to find ways to talk to Roger.

I know I fucked up real bad..Brian doesn't deserve this. It was a drunk mistake..and just when I was thinking about Roger, I saw him walking in

"Speaking of the devil.." I said under my breath "Hi Roger" I said and tried to avoid eye contact

"How are you doing?" He asked

"Good.." I said

"So you and Brian are back together?" He asked

I sighed "I guess..yes" I said

He looked at me "I won't say anything about what happened between us but I need a favour" he said

"What is it?" I asked

"I need you to set my up with a girl. Meeting someone new may keep my mouth shut" he said

"You're unbelievable!" I said

"Thank you!" He smiled playfully

"I didn't say it in the good way!" I said

" we have a deal?" He asked

"Yes.." I said

"Thank you, you are the best!" He grabbed me and kissed me on the lips

I pushed him away "don't you fucking dare do that again!" I said

"But you liked it the other night!" He smirked

"I was drunk! I could have kissed a girl with that amount of alcohol" I said "Now go.. I'll call you when I get you a date!" I said

"Bye Diane" he said and walked out of the store

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