Chapter 56

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"So I heard you guys will record a second album?" I asked as I served the take-out food to everyone

"Yes! And we're really excited about it!" Freddie cheered

"How's the songwriting going?" I asked

"It's kinda tough, we don't have a lot of inspiration yet, but this guy here has lots!" Roger said and pointed at Brian

"Is that true?" I gave an impressed look at Brian

He just nodded, he didn't look too okay these days, he was more distracted than unhappy.

As everyone was having a discussion, I leaned in Brian's ear "Are you okay?" I asked

"Umm, yes.. I was just thinking of something.." he replied

"Are you sure?" I asked again

"Yes, excuse me.." he replied and got up and left the room

I sighed and kept eating my dinner "Does anyone know why Brian is acting so strange?" I asked

"He's been acting like that all week, he hasn't told us anything" Roger said

"I've never seen him like this, I'm really worried.." I said

"Don't be! I'm sure he's fine!" Roger said

Moments later Brian walked in the room and sat next to me and grabbed my hand, I smiled at him but he didn't. Suddenly he got off the couch and sat on one knee as he pulled a little box of his pocket with his other hand.

I looked at the guys in distress and then looked back at Brian who had opened the box and revealed a beautiful ring. My stomach dropped at the sight of the ring. The question I was mostly afraid of was coming

"I'm not really good with words..but all I want you to know is that I love you and I want to live the rest of my life with you." He said "Diane, Will you marry me?" He asked

Everything I was holding in my hands immediately fell on the floor. Brian kept looking at me but I was wondering why he proposed? I'm such an awful person and he doesn't deserve me. Tears started forming at the corners of my eyes. I was shaking but in the end it just felt right!

"Yes I will!" I replied as he took the ring off the box and placed it on my finger

I grabbed his face and kissed him and then hugged him. We stood there in each other's arms for a long time until we heard someone coughing. We turned and looked at the guys.

They congratulated us and they started planning on going out to celebrate

"Do you want to go out?" Brian asked

"I'm kind of tired..but you guys can go!" I replied

"No, if you're not coming then we're not going either" he said and the guys sighed

I grabbed his hand "Just go and have fun!" I smiled

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Of course!" I replied and kissed his cheek

They got up and headed to the front door, I kissed Brian before he left and the guys started making fun of us

"Don't worry Diane we'll take good care of your fiance!" Roger said

"We'll have him back before 4am" Freddie said jokingly

"You better bring him back alive!" I replied and pinched Brian's cheek

"Yes mom!" Freddie said while laughing nervously

"What have I gotten myself into?" He wondered

"Okay okay, go have fun! I'll see you later!" I said as they got into Roger's car and drove away

I closed the door and started cleaning the living room. As I left the dirty dishes in the sink I couldn't help but stare at the ring on my finger. I can't believe that we actually got engaged. We are dating less than a year and everything just moves so fast. I honestly thought that this day would never come, after the first time we broke up I just stopped hoping for a happily ever after..

My gut is telling me it's too soon but my heart is telling me it's the right time!  After I was done cleaning I went straight to bed. I was so tired to even change clothes so I layed down and quickly fell asleep.

*In Diane's dream*
I walked down the dark hallway of my house, I saw a bright light coming from downstairs. A voice in my head screamed "Don't go down there!" But I didn't listen, I started going down the stairs and saw bassinet blocking the front door. A baby's crying started echoing through the house as I was getting closer and closer to the bassinet. I leaned over it and noticed it was empty. The crying stopped and I heard a familiar laugh..It was Lynne's laugh.. I could recognise that fake laugh from miles away. I turned around and followed the laughter. "You belong to us! You'll be whatever we want!" Lynne's yelling echoed in the whole house, everything started crumbling around me, I fell on my knees and for the very first time ever I started praying. I felt hands grabbing me and pulling me into the darkness, I fought and I fought, but nothing worked. I tried to scream but no voice came out of me..

I woke up screaming my lungs out until I realised it was only a dream. I immediately heard footsteps coming out of the room and I hid under the blanket, I was shaking like crazy. I felt a hand pulling the blanket away from face

"Are you okay?" Brian asked

I was still shaking but I managed to talk "yeah, I just had a bad dream.." I replied and looked at the clock, it was 5am

He pulled me into his arms "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked

"I'd rather not right now.. let's just go to sleep and I'll tell you in the morning.." I replied

He looked really tired and I didn't want to keep him awake any longer. He layed down next to me and had his arms around me until he fell asleep. I released myself from his arms and went and locked myself in the bathroom

"Please be positive..." I sighed while holding a pregnancy test

I kept looking at the test, hoping that the second line would appear. Me and Brian weren't trying to get pregnant but my period is late for almost two weeks and I am really hoping to be pregnant, I'm scared that I'll never be able to give Brian a son or a daughter. He looked so sad when I told him about the miscarriage.

I looked at the test, I had to rub my eyes twice because I didn't believe in what I was seeing..the test is positive.. I'm pregnant.

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