Chapter 52

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"Aren't you happy to see me?" Brian asked as his smile started fading away

"O-of course I just caught me off guard" I said

He smiled again and hugged me "how are you doing?" He asked

"I'm okayyy, not just okay, I'm greaaat" I said nervously "how are you?" I asked

"I'm fine I guess.." he said as his smile was replaced with disappointed look

"Are you okay?" I asked

"No but I can't talk about it with you.." he said

"Well now I'm offended, why not me?" I asked

"Would talk about relationship problems with your ex?" He asked

"Uuuh.." I paused for a while "Yes!" I replied "And if I remember correctly you said that we're friends and friends are supposed to help each other!" I said

"That's a good point..will you be okay with hearing about another girl?" He asked

"Yeah why not? Maybe I can help since I understand women better than you" I said with confidence

"You don't, but I'll let you believe it" he replied

"You want my help or not?" I asked

"Yes, sorry.." he replied

I laughed and we walked back to my house.

"Make yourself at home" I said as I threw my keys on the table "What do you want to drink?" I asked

"Just a coffee, thank you!" He said and sat on the couch

I walked in the kitchen and started making his coffee, I lit a cigarette as I waited for the coffee to be done. Brian's voice echoed through the house

"Is that smoke I'm smelling?" He asked

"Yeah obviously!" I replied "damn you with your dog nose Brian" I mumbled as I poured his coffee into a mug and walked to the living room and handed it to him

"Thank you" he said as he grabbed the mug "I didn't know you picked up that horrible habit again" he said

"Seemed like a good idea to me" I said as I lit another one

He reached out his hand, grabbed mine and gently stroke his thumb across my hand "Are you sure you're doing okay?" He asked

I pulled my hand away "yes Brian I'm doing just fine..can we please focus on your girl problems?" I asked

"Sure" he replied "So here it comes.." he took a deep breath "I recently met this girl, actually Freddie introduced us.."

'That little motherfucker..'  I thought
"And what went wrong?" I asked

"So we went out like 4 times..and on the fourth date we ended up making out in my car.." he said

"I don't need details about where your tongue was.." I said

"Let me finish!" He said "And well she was moaning my name and that's were all came crashing down" he said

"Oh no..." I replied

"Oh yes!" He said

"Brian no, no you didn't!" I said in shock

"Yes I did..." He said

"Who's name did you say Brian?" I asked almost screaming

"I need you to calm down please.." he said

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