Chapter 60

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*4 months later*

"Good morning love" Brian leaned towards me and kissed my cheek

"Morning Brian" I replied with an annoyed tone

My due date was 1 week ago and my hormones were so messed up. I was also on bed rest for 4 months so I was really annoyed and tired.

"How are you feeling?" He massaged my back gently

"I'm miserable.." I replied "Get that baby out of me!!" I yelled

"I wish I could but I can't.." he replied

I sighed and got up and started walking to the living room. Brian followed me and tried to help me out.

"Sit here, you'll be more comfortable" he said

I gave him an angry look "I'll be comfortable when the baby comes out." I said

I saw flashing coming out of the window and I looked over the couch and saw a paparazzi taking photos of me and Brian.

"Sit down and I'll handle it" he said and made his way to the front door

That man chose the wrong day to mess with us. I walked to the door and pushed Brian aside. He tried to hold me back but I managed to get away

"Do you want to take a picture up close?" I said and the paparazzi stood still

"Do you want me to pose for you? Huh? What do you want?" I said as calmly as possible

"I'm only doing my job.." he said

"Do you see me you wanker? I'm about to go into labour and you're just here to do your job?" I yelled and grabbed his camera away, removed the film and gave it back to him "No get out of my sight or I'll make you eat the camera!"

The man started running away like he had just saw the devil.

"Was that really necessary?" Brian asked

"Of course, they're the worst people alive, they deserve this!" I replied

*1 week later*
*Brian's POV*

"Shouldn't you be at home in case Diane needs help?" Freddie asked

"I needed a break, her due date was 2 weeks ago and she's very angry and very hormonal" I sighed

"And that's exhausting for you?" Freddie asked

"Kinda.." I replied

Freddie quickly slapped the back of my head "You're such an idiot!" He yelled

"That woman is carrying your baby. She's been on a bed for so many months and the baby is late 2 whole weeks! And you're the one who is tired?" He continued

"You're right. But it's overwhelming for me too." I replied

"I get it! But try walking in her shoes, she's miserable, she didn't ask for the bed rest and the baby to be late" he said

*Diane's POV*

"He hates you" a little voice in my head said  "You're driving him crazy, he will leave you!" The little voice continued.

"I fucked up.." I said to myself and reached for the phone and tried to call Brian but no one would answer the phone.

I tried calling again and this time someone answered

"Hello?" A woman's voice echoed through the phone

"Is Brian there?" I asked

"Diane? It's Veronica" She answered

"Hi Veronica, is Brian there?" I asked

"They all left, I'm waiting for John to get his things. But they said they were going to a pub? Is everything okay?" She asked

I felt something wet on my thighs "Oh no! Not now!" I panicked, the baby was ready but I was not

"Diane?" Veronica said

"I- I'm going into labour! I need help!" I replied

"We'll be right there!" She said and hang up

I got up from the couch and slowly made way to get my coat. I had contractions every 3 minutes and I was barely standing.

I stood by the door and waited for someone to arrive. I saw John running up to me. He put his arm around my waist and guided me to his car

"Where's Brian?" I asked

"He'll meet us in the hospital"  he replied

We arrived to the hospital and I saw Brian waiting there. He helped me walk inside and the nurse got me into a room.

The baby was ready to come out, which is ironic because it was taking its sweet time these 2 whole weeks. I was in terrible pain  but I was happy I was about to meet my daughter or son

*9 hours later*

"It's a girl, congratulations!" The doctor said and gave her to the nurse to clean her up

I was crying happy tears and I look at Brian, he was crying too but he was also trying to hide it. I grabbed his hand.

"I love you so much and I'm so proud of you" he said and kissed me

"I love you too" i replied

The nurse walked to me and carefully put my daughter in my arms "Have you chosen a name for her?" She asked

"Not yet" I replied

They moved us back to the room. I couldn't stop looking at my daughter.

I let Brian hold her and I was feeling so happy seeing them together.

"Do you want us to name her after your dad?" He asked

"Nicole? Are you sure you want that name?" I asked

"Yes, it's a beautiful name and it surely suits her

I smiled "Nicole it is." I replied

We heard a knock on the door and the guys walked in along with Veronica and Dominique.

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