A hangover to regret

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I finally found my way off the bed and fortunately no one woke up. I was feeling bad, I had very strong migraines and every little noise made them worse. I walked to the kitchen and made breakfast for the boys. Me on the other hand, I had to take two painkillers but the pain wouldn't stop. I placed my hands on my forehead as I sat on the chair before I looked at the door that was leading to the living room. I slowly got up and walked inside the living room. Surprisingly it was clean, but I remember that it was pretty fucked up. All I saw was a piece of paper on the table, I picked it up and read it.

"The living room was a mess after the game. I thought that you would have a terrible hangover in the morning and you wouldn't be in the mood to clean up so I did. You're welcome -Bri"

I didn't realise that I was smiling while reading this and I heard footsteps coming from the stairs so I put the note in my pocket!

"Good morning Diane" Freddie said

"Good morning Fred! Did you sleep well?" I asked

"Yeah I did! I'm surprised that we actually all fitted in one bed and there was room for more" Freddie said jokingly

"Yeah i picked it when I moved here. If I could I would make the whole bedroom a big bed. You know?" I said

"You mean it was going to be a room full of mattresses? That when you open the door you jump and you don't have to worry about hitting the floor cause it's a huge mattress?" Freddie asked

"Yeah pretty much" I said

"Darling...JUST DO IT! No one is stopping you, plus it sounds like fun" Freddie smiled at me

"Trust me I will. Anyway I made breakfast" I said and smiled

"I know I could smell it from upstairs." Freddie giggled and I saw John and Brian walking down.
John was obviously going through a tough hangover like I do

"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE" Brian yelled happily. Both John and me closed our ears.

"Are you doing this on purpose?" John asked Brian in a serious tone

"I think yes" I answered John still holding my ears closed

Brian started to talk more quietly when he realised I was in pain too. "Are you okay?" He said as he walked towards me

"Yeah just a little hangover" I looked at him

Brian hugged me and John jokingly said "I'm in pain too where's my hug?" 
That made me laugh and a sharp pain went through my head like a lightning

"It's so funny it actually hurts" I laughed and all of them laughed too "I made everyone breakfast, it's in the kitchen. Is Roger still sleeping?" I said

"Yeah he sleeps a lot. If we wake him up too early then he's gonna be grumpy all day" Brian said

We walked in the kitchen and the boys served themselves while I only drank a cup of coffee.

"I hope you guys like what I made for you..it's not a lot thought" I said

"Are you joking? You made us a lot of things! And everything's delicious. I'm jealous of the guy that's gonna end up with you!" Freddie said "Speaking of guys, is there anyone special in your life?" He said again

I almost choked on my coffee.

"Freddie what the heck? You don't just ask a girl this kind of thing!" Brian said.

I took a deep breath "Actually no. I'm not into the whole dating thing." I said

"Why not darling?" Freddie gave me sympathetic look

"When you get hurt so many times you begin to have trust issues. You know?" I said without showing any emotions "But that's okay." I took a sip from my coffee

"Yeah but if you don't get into anything romantic how can you know if someone is your soulmate?" Freddie said "For all I know your soulmate may be around the corner but you don't wanna see it cause you're afraid to trust someone" he said in a serious tone and Brian choked on his coffee.

"Are you okay Brian?" I asked

"Yeah yeah I'm fine don't worry" Brian said

"Okay" I smiled at him "now if you'll excuse me I have to go fix this" I pointed at my face. I walked out of the kitchen and I heard Brian saying something to Freddie. I couldn't hear them clearly cause they were whispering. I stayed there for 2 minutes. I only heard Freddie's voice.

"Why don't you admit that you like her? You couldn't take your eyes off her" He said

"You know Roger also likes her. If you don't say anything then you'll end up losing her" John added to Freddie's words

"I have to go..NOW" I thought and runned to the backyard. I stayed there for longer than half an hour. I was so anxious and probably smoked 10 cigarettes. My hands were shaking the whole time. My anxiety wasn't making it easier

"Anxiety is a total bitch am I right?" someone said and when I looked behind me I saw Roger standing at the door who leads to the backyard

"Now it's not a good time Roger" I said with a shaky voice as I lit another cigarette.

"Whoa take it easy with these." He walked to me "What's wrong?" He said

I tried to make up a lie "it's nothing really" I ended up saying

"No way it's nothing" he grabbed my hand that was shaking "You're shaking" he looked at me clearly confused

"I'm just angry that I didn't get to talk to my mom before leaving.. she's all the way to the other side of the world and she clearly doesn't even care if I'm alive or dead" I lied

Roger gave me a hug "I really don't know what to say. Were you two getting along at all before you left?" He said

"No.. all she ever cared about was her many boyfriends." I said

"And what about your father?" He said

I started tearing up, I felt that my heart was about to break "my father died when I was younger. He worked his ass off to make enough to get me into a good school. He was the father every kid wanted. He was the best.. until one day he went to work and never came back." I said. I started breaking down when I thought about my dad again. Roger obviously felt bad for asking me about it.

"I'm so sorry. It was stupid of me to ask that" Roger said

"It's okay, You didn't know." I said and wiped my tears

"If you need anything we're here for you" he said and he hugged me again but we didn't notice that the rest of the boys were standing at the door.
They heard everything. Roger nodded at them to come here and they came running and they all hugged me.

"Well now I really have to go fix my ugly crying face" I tried to change the subject.

"You look amazing darling. Don't put yourself down like that" Freddie said

"Out of all the girls we've met you're the most beautiful one! You have a natural beauty" Brian said while smiling

Okay I admit that he made me smile. I noticed how Roger was looking at Brian when he said that. I got a strange vibe from him but I decided to let it go. We all got back in the house and after an hour they had to go back home. Brian was the last to leave.

"Brian wait!" I said and he turned to me "thank you for everything" I took the note out of my pocket and showed it to him.

He just smiled at me and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He started blushing.

"I'm glad I could help. I'll see you later love! Take care" he said and left

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