Chapter 48

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*1 hour before the robbery*

"I'm done with Brian and I'm going to tell him!" I excused myself and left from the pub

I got in my car and burst into tears, I never considered leaving Brian but these fights are getting out of hand and I can't take it anymore! I didn't know where to go. All I wanted was to end things but part of me didn't want that. I got out of my car and walked to the nearest phone booth and dialled the first number that came to my mind.

"Freddie? Hi, it's Diane...Can I come over? No I'm not.. Okay thanks.." I hang up and drove to his house

My heart started pounding like crazy as I got closer to his house. Once I arrived I got out of the car and started walking towards his front door.

*Freddie's POV*

I opened the door and Diane came running in and hugged me.

"What's wrong darling?" I asked as I guided her in the living room

"I fought with Brian again and I told Debbie but she keeps telling me to basically suck it up and do nothing to stand up for myself.." she said

"Look, I'm not an expert at relationships but I think that you should stand up for yourself when you feel like your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't respect you!" I said

"I know! That's what both Brian and Debbie don't understand!" I sighed "I'm considering breaking up with Brian.." She said

I didn't say anything I just pulled her into my arms "If you think that's the right decision I'm with you." I said

"But it's going to be so weird if I do that..What if he tells you guys to stop hanging out with me? I don't want to lose you!" She said and cried

"You won't.. I promise!" I said

She looked at me with a face full of disbelief "Don't make promises you can't keep" she said

"I can keep it and I will!" I said

An awkward silence filled the room.

"Let me tell you that dating you was so much better..even if it was fake...and for a week." She said

"Really?" I asked

She looked at me and nodded, I couldn't help but smile at what she said.

"I should probably go.." she said

I looked at her and she was blushing, I gently placed my hand on her face and pulled her into a kiss

*Diane's POV*

I felt so guilty for letting Freddie kiss me but I did nothing to stop it, soon enough I was laying on the couch and Freddie was on top of me and had a little make out session. His hands were around my waist as he started kissing my neck. Before he made his way even lower I stopped him.

"Freddie.. I'm sorry.." I said and I pushe him away from me

"O-oh.. it's okay.." he said

"I've got to go.. I'm so sorry..." I grabbed my purse and stormed out

*Back to the current situation*

"How's your eye?" Brian asked as he placed a pack of ice on my eye

"Ouch!" I yelled "Let me do it" I said and grabbed the ice from his hand

He sighed and sat next to me

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