Double Trouble

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*3 months later*
*Brian's POV*

"Can you please keep it down? Diane is still sleeping" I said to Freddie, Roger and John who were arguing over the most ridiculous thing

"Sorry.." Freddie whispered

"So what's up with you?" I looked at Roger

"Well if you want to know, things with me and Kathy are officially over" Roger said

"I still can't believe you said the wrong name at the altar" Freddie said

"I still can't believe that you said my girlfriend's name at the altar" I said angrily

"I apologized a hundred times. You have to get over it!" Roger said

I sighed "whatever" I said

"So did you have to get a divorce?" John asked

"No, we never said 'I do' and no one pronounced us 'husband and wife' so that's better" Roger said

"Yeah right!" John said "you had the perfect woman and you broke her heart in front of everyone!" He said angrily

"Let change the subject.." I said
"So what's up with you John?" I asked

"Are you seriously asking me that? Wow!" John said

"Is there something wrong darling?" Freddie asked

"Why don't all of you just mind your own business?" John said and he got up "I'll see you later!" He stormed out of the house.

*Diane's POV*

A loud noise woke me up. I walked to the living room and found Brian, Freddie and Roger looking at each other confused

"What was that noise?" I asked

"That was John.. he is mad but we don't know why" Roger said

"Do you know anything? Did you talk to Kendall?" Freddie asked

"If I tell you will you please try to be more quiet? I didn't sleep at all last night" I said

"We promise" Freddie said

"Kendall and John broke up, don't say anything to him, try to give him some time I'm sure he'll talk to you" I said

"Oh.. that makes sense!" Roger said

"Right..well I'm going to sleep, if you need anything come wake me up" I said

"How are you feeling?" Brian asked

"You don't want to know..." I said and I walked back to my room

*Brian's POV*

"So the pregnancy..seems like it's going well" Freddie said sarcastically

"She's literally suffering and there's nothing I can do to make her feel better" I said

"Well you could try a-.." Roger said

"I'm going to stop you right there Rog, I specifically asked you not to bring this up ever again!" I interrupted him

"Alright, sorry" Roger said

"What is wrong with you?" Freddie looked at Roger

"I said I'm sorry!" Roger said

*Diane's POV*

I sat on my bed but I couldn't fall back asleep, the morning sickness is killing me, I have some awful mood swings and everything bothers me. I looked at myself in the mirror earlier and out of nowhere I started crying. I'm only 4 months pregnant and I'm already showing so much.

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