In These Shoes

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 My Auntie Morrigan said a quick 'See you later' to us then practically drifted her BMW round to the rear car park. All the other kids who hadn't gone home by now who were hanging around the school or still waiting were still glaring at me. Slightly exasperated, I slumped back down on to the bench.

'I can't believe it.' I shook my head. Katie and Victoria sat themselves down either side of me.

'So your Aunt has come for Mrs Clarkson's job huh? That's pretty cool.' Victoria stated.

'I don't know if I could handle a member of my family being a teacher at my school I swear to God.' I continued shaking my head.

'Well you wouldn't be the only one.' Katie grinned. Victoria and myself had a bit of a twin moment.

'What do you mean?' We both asked her in unison.

'Mr Evans. I'm pretty sure I heard some of the other teachers when he started working here that he's Liam Blakeley's uncle or something. Managed to keep that quiet though.'

'That makes perfect sense.' Victoria cackled. 'Y'know, now that you mention it, they do kinda look related.'

We all nodded in agreement. Mr Evans was a particularly good looking guy and if it was entirely true; so was his nephew Liam. Both were blonde, fair skinned, had blue-ish eyes and were quite well built and relatively tall. Liam was on the school rugby team and was of course, stupidly popular with the girls. Hell, his uncle was stupidly popular with the girls. When Mr Evans first started here, all of the girls who didn't take History as a subject suddenly wanted to drop one they had chosen and transfer in to his class. Our Head Master Mr Banks banged that on the head pretty quickly and nobody got to transfer.

Deciding we were now bored hanging around outside, we all went back to our dorm room. A few of the other girls in our dorm were making their way out with bags and small cases as they were going home for the weekend. Katie and Victoria quickly changed out of their uniforms and in to their comfy clothes. We lounged around for a bit with the telly on, watching a bit of afternoon garbage just to pass the time while dinner came round which was a little bit earlier on Fridays. We got about ten minutes in to Tipping Point when there was a knock at the door.

'Hey guys!' It was Auntie Morrigan. She smiled as she shuffled in to the room and closed the door behind herself, making her way over to the small armchair we had in the corner. She sat down, crossed her legs and placed her really nice black Dolce and Gabbana handbag down on the floor beside the chair. Auntie M had a penchant for designer goods. It wasn't unheard of for her to drop two grand on a handbag or six hundred quid on a pair of shoes when she felt like it. Then again, she was even more dangerous in Primark. We came from a Northern, Working Class family that got lucky. Apparently our predilection for saving money like there was no tomorrow and then spending it lavishly was genetic. Mum was the exact same as her sister and I had started developing these traits too. The only thing I didn't have was the accent, or the dark hair every woman had in my family. I got my mousy blonde hair from my dad.

'How did it go Auntie M?' I asked her about her interview. 'Do you think you'll get it?'

'Well it would be nice if I did they seem pretty desperate too so I won't be waiting long for an answer.' She mumbled. 'I mean I'd get to spend more time with my actual niece and adoptive nieces.' She grinned at us. She insisted Katie and Victoria call her Auntie M too.

'And I'd get to teach properly an' all, a whole class for a long amount of time not just random lectures and being a substitute occasionally.'

'I didn't know you were a teacher Auntie M.' Victoria said. Katie nodded along with her. To be honest I never really brought it up.

'Yep, qualified as a teacher after my first degree. Did that for a little while then went and completed a second degree.' Auntie M shrugged her shoulders.

'That is so cool though!' Katie exclaimed. 'You'd never really be out of a job because you can do so much.'

'Bingo. Never pigeonhole yourself girls, there's nowt worse than being stuck in a career you don't like for the rest of your life.'

Auntie Morrigan. The giver of great advice.

'Anyway, it's Friday night what are you all up to?' She shook her head as she asked. We just sort of looked at each other and made faces.

'Nothing really.' I replied. ' Katie's going home for a visit on Saturday but me and Victoria are here for the weekend.'

'I have a hairdresser appointment tomorrow though.' Victoria added.

'Fair enough. I was thinking, why don't I take you all out for your tea tonight? Nandos or something? My treat.'

We had all instantly brightened up. We didn't get to go out much together especially with everyone having conflicting schedules, plus it was a bit of a pain trying to get in to town without a car. Katie, Victoria and Myself all nodded furiously with cries of "Yes please!" and "Thanks Auntie M!"

'Right well sort yourselves out and get your shit together I'll go tell your Dorm Mothers I'm taking you out for tea and not kidnapping you. I'll bring the car round.'

Auntie M grabbed her handbag and quickly left the room. Meanwhile we hurried to change in to some different clothes and fix our hair and faces before we flew downstairs and out to the front of the dorm building where Auntie M was sat waiting in her BMW; the engine gurgling away and the sounds of Prince blaring out from the stereo cutting through the eerily calm quietness of the late afternoon. I climbed in to the passengers side while Katie and Victoria jumped in the back. Everyone belted up as Auntie M slid a huge pair of designer sunglasses on her face to shield her eyes from the afternoon sun hanging low in the sky.

'Err girls, who is that?' Auntie M quizzed, slightly pulling her sunglasses down from her face to get a better look. We all craned round to look out the front windscreen. It was Mr Evans wearing sports gear doing his usual after school run around the grounds.

'That's Mr Evans the new History teacher.' Katie answered. 'He started at the beginning of the year.'

'Oh reaaallly now.' Auntie M had uncomfortably dragged out the "really" a bit too long for my liking. Oh she was definitely going to end up working here this moment right now had pretty much just guaranteed it.

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