Arne & Duncan Part 2

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 Arne & Duncan

It had been around ten o'clock at night when somebody unexpectedly teleported in to the mansion. Of course the vampires could sense a living body full of blood was in the house somewhere but it was Morrigan who announced who it was.

'Well Maddie's decided to show up finally.' She said. She leaned forward to get off the sofa where she had been snuggling up to Arne but Duncan was already on his feet.

'Stay there, I'll go get her.' Said Duncan. He swiftly made his way through the lower floor of the mansion, through the kitchen and in to the utility room. Switching the light on, Duncan then laid his eyes on Madelyn who was gracefully parked arse first in the Belfast sink, her short stature making it difficult for her to raise herself out of the deep set sink; legs dangling over the edge.

'Maddie, what are you doing in there?' Duncan asked her with a hint of a grin on his lips.

'Um, hi.' She replied looking utterly embarrassed. Duncan walked over to Madelyn as she tried to manoeuvrer herself in to a position where she could attempt to get herself out of the sink. He got her out easily, hooking an arm under her legs and round her back. He held on to her for a few moments longer than what was comfortable, shaking himself out of his daze before putting Madelyn on the ground.

'Sorry I er... Are you okay Maddie?' Duncan asked.

'Yeah, thanks. Just a bit of a bruised ego, that was not a graceful landing.' Madelyn said as she brushed down her clothes.

'Well at least you're not like your Aunt doing drunk teleporting.'

'Heh, I've heard the stories.' Madelyn scrunched her face up to hide a grin. She already knew one of her Aunt's stories about the time she tried teleporting home and accidentally ended up in some Japanese family's living room in Tokyo, crash landing arse first on to their kotatsu table and subsequently breaking it all while they were watching TV.

Madelyn and Duncan walked in to the living room where Morrigan and Arne were still cuddled up on the sofa watching a film together. Constance and Darius had shown up to say their farewells for the evening as they were off out with some friends. They had asked Madelyn if she wanted to come with but she passed, preferring to take it easy for the rest of the night. Teleporting took it out of Madelyn as she wasn't quite proficient in it yet, but she had been practising loads and she was gradually getting better. Hopefully after a bit more practice she wouldn't end up teleporting herself in to sinks or the last time the teleported to Arne's; in the broom cupboard on the top floor of the mansion.

'Hey kiddo, I see you got here in one piece.' Morrigan said to her niece.

'Just about, I ended up in the sink in the utility room.'

'Ah it happens to the best of us, you'll figure it out soon enough.'

Madelyn shrugged her shoulders.

'I guess. Okay I'm gonna go put my comfies on, seeing as lounge-wear seems to be the dress code.'

Movie night was always comfy night at Arne's, especially in the colder months of the year when he would light the huge open fire in the main living room and anyone who was participating in movie night, would pile in to the living room; make themselves comfortable and just chill out in a nice cosy environment. Vampires always welcomed an evening where they didn't have to go out and be as charming and tempting or use their powers of persuasion to get their dinner. Sometimes they really did just want to be lazy of an evening. Arne and Duncan were definitely stopping in this night as they had been out during the day and being in the sunlight for most of it had severely taken it out of them. A quick ready meal that evening of a microwaved bag of B Negative for each of them had quelled the hunger they may have had.

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