Demon's Eye

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I was not feeling it today at all, in fact I wasn't feeling it yesterday either. I could literally just go back to bed and sleep for the rest of the day. I was a little restless few nights after my Aunt had brain phoned me with the info that Arne and Duncan had found about the serial killer now known as Bruce, so I didn't get the best sleep I could have had. We we're finally in December now, my mum's birthday was tomorrow so I had sent her a card in the post along with a charm I knew she wanted for her bracelet. I had even ordered a present for my Aunt as well. She was so difficult to buy for though as she already had everything she wanted or needed. I think I got it right this year.

I had only been sat in my first period English class about half an hour when I noticed my teacher Mr Marshall answer his desk phone. He um'd and ahh'd a few times before hanging up.

'Madelyn, you're to go down to the schools reception immediately, take your stuff.' Instructed Mr Marshall.

I wondered what was going on and why I was to go to reception. I eyed my classmates who were staring at me. Victoria who was sat next to me mouthed "What's up?" to which I just shrugged at her. I bundled up all my books and things and shoved everything in to my bag as quick as I could, whispering to Victoria that I'd text her later. I hurried out of the classroom and down the main staircase towards the reception area. I jogged along the shiny hallway to see my Aunt in the distance, leant against the reception counter and looking like she was blotting her eyes with a tissue. As soon as she saw me she started brain dialling.

'Maddie, just play long okay? I'll explain when we leave.'

I watch as she sniffled and let out a few sobs before blowing her nose loudly with her tissue.

I jogged right up to her, knowing what my Aunt was doing was worthy of an Academy Award.

'Auntie M what's going on?' I tried showing my own acting skills.

'Maddie, I don't know how to say this but your gran has died.' She stuttered out and sobbed a little again before she did another obnoxiously loud nose blow.

I didn't know how to react so I stood for a second with my mouth open then covered my mouth with my hand in some kind of faux shock. I tried squeezing out a few tears but they weren't falling, so I figured I'd do a bit of method acting as try a remember a traumatising moment in my life. Some people would think it was when my father died that would trigger the tears but it wasn't. It was when I was six years old and my pet Guinea pig Peanut died. I started full on ugly crying then. If I'dve known Auntie M was going to get me acting this morning and doing a bit of crying, then I would've worn waterproof mascara.

'Come on.' My Aunt said as she "comforted" me by wrapping an arm round my shoulder. 'The rest of the family are gathering we gotta go.'

I nodded and snotted and sniffed and sobbed. We both continued this charade out of the school and as soon as the main doors shut behind us, we stopped.

'Auntie M what the hell?!' I whisper shouted at her. 'You coulda give me a proper heads up!'

'Dude I had to think of something quick!' My Aunt whisper shouted back at me.

'But gran's been dead for ages!'

'I know but they don't know that, bloody hell both my grans have died at least three times each when I wanted to bunk off school or work.'

'Ugh Auntie M, why though?'

'Arne and Duncan are on to something we need to go over now we might be close to catching this guy.'

I sensed the urgency in her voice. Then she started speaking again.

'Plus I've just heard that another woman has been reported missing early this morning. She worked in a coffee shop in town.'

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