My Sunday Feeling

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Sunday morning's were now becoming my favourite time of the week for some strange reason. I think it was because we were now spending so much time at Arne's these days which was fine by me. Victoria and Katie had been going home more at weekends now as we were officially on the run up to Christmas, so if I didn't spend my weekends here I would be on my own. Sunday mornings though, I would have a lie in in my huge comfy bed, I would wander down to the kitchen where either Arne or Duncan would be making breakfast then at some point, I would wander back to my room and slowly get ready for the day.

I did need my lie in today though as we had a serious, but short coven meeting on Saturday night. It had to be cut short as the weather had taken a turn for the worst and no amount of pleading with the impending storm or reasoning with mother nature was helping. It was almost as if mother nature herself was giving us a warning for some reason. We had been discussing the kidnappings and murders in town with the rest of the coven who wholeheartedly agreed to help in any way they could. My Aunt had told everyone that a "cleansing" was maybe on the horizon for the whole coven. I read about cleansings in one of my Aunt's own spell books and it looked mind boggling. I had also stayed up a little longer than usual as some of Arne's clan had returned from their trips away. My cousin Molly had even come back to Arne's after the coven meeting as Luca had returned. He had been back to Italy for a few months as he had vampiric family over there that he hadn't seen in a long time, the long time being around fifty years. If there was one thing about vampires, they had a tendency to move about a lot and didn't think that spending decades apart from each other was that weird. At least I got to meet him, he wasn't present at my initiation but pretty much all of Arne's clan had met me now.

My Aunt had been somewhere this morning and had returned on Sunday afternoon with a large box. She waltzed in to the lab where I had been listening to music and doing a bit of studying. Magic and regular schoolwork too.

'Oh hey Auntie M, what you got there?'

'This right here, is a box full of old maps and blueprints and other stuff from Wendy. I've just been to pick it up.'

'Oh wow that's neat!' I exclaimed. 'Do you think it will help?'

'I hope so Maddie. I think we're pushing our luck for time, especially if we wanna get Francesca back alive. The police haven't even come up with anything yet and that's slightly worrying. I'll give all this to Arne and see what he makes of it. Him and the clan have a better chance of finding something useful.'

'That sounds like a good idea.' I said.

'Yeah well they've had the occasional trip around the school grounds and the surrounding area every so often since we found those nasty things inside the school, but they turned up nothing.'

'Nothing's ever easy is it?' I sighed.

'Nope. Oh erm, I also went to see your mum this morning.' Auntie Morrigan told me. I didn't really know what to say to that.

'Oh.' I did manage to force out. 'What's she saying?'

'Not much as per, I give her a bit a grief, wound her up a bit. The usual.' Auntie M smirked. 'She was asking me about you obviously, she knows about your initiation.'

'Did you tell her about it?' I asked.

'Only when she asked questions. She's your mum Maddie. Even though she hasn't used her powers properly in ages she's still blood and she can still feel these things.'

I didn't really want to talk much more about my mum. To be honest we had more pressing matters at hand. Like the fact that we were meeting up with Mr Evans and Liam later. I wasn't particularly looking forward to it as I had barely seen Liam recently never mind speaking to him. We were to meet up for dinner later so we could share information.

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