Tumbling Dice

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I stared in to the brilliant blue eyes of a twelve hundred year old Viking vampire sat opposite me, a look of concentration on his face so intense that even if I wanted to look away, I couldn't. I wasn't going to look away, I wasn't going to back down. I was going to win this game. We were already tied in games and this would be the decider.

'Okay, three minutes starts... now!'

My Aunt was manning the three minute egg timer. This would be the ultimate final game of Boggle I had with Arne. We were tying currently with two games each. Whoever won this one, won our little tournament. We were all sat on the floor at the coffee table in front of the fire for our competition, Duncan was sat beside Arne and my Aunt was sat beside me. Constance and Darius had returned from their escapades earlier, but as soon as they heard the familiar shaking of the Boggle letter die they scarpered; knowing Arne roped anyone he could in to playing his beloved game. Iris, Duncan and my Aunt had played a few games before, but were knocked out of our impromptu competition leaving just myself and Arne facing off against each other. He was stupidly good, but he was also incredibly old and had been playing this damn game since it was released.

I was scribbling words down as fast as I could, paying absolutely no attention to the timer or even to Arne who was also scribbling down words incredibly quick.

'Okay that's time. Pencils down.' My Aunt announced. 'Right switch notepads.'

I handed my notepad over to Duncan who would count up my total and Arne handed his over to my Aunt who would count his up. It took a few minutes but when Auntie M and Duncan had finished, they both announced our final scores.

I had won, by one three letter word. Meaning I had won by one point.

'What was the word?' Auntie M asked.

'Tit.' Duncan sniggered. My Aunt just slammed her head down on the coffee table as she laughed.

'Oh Jesus that's brilliant.' She cackled. Arne had risen from his position at the coffee table and stood in front of me. I stood up also but had too look up at him. Damn he was tall. He offered me his hand to shake, which I graciously took.

'That was an excellent game Madelyn. You're a formidable opponent.' He told me.

'Thanks, but I got lucky I guess.' I shrugged.

'Maddie, just take the compliment it's not often anyone beats Arne at Boggle.' My Aunt said to me.

'Fair enough. Thank you for a great game Arne.' I said as I shook his hand firmly.

'No, thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed it.'

'Okay, drinks anyone?' Duncan stood up from the coffee table.

'B negative please.' Arne replied.

'A fresh brandy and lemonade for me please Duncan.' My Aunt requested.

'I'll help Duncan, I might make a Horlicks then go get in me jim jams.' I said. I took my Aunt's glass from her, then followed Duncan in to the kitchen where he went and retrieved two B negative blood bags, one for himself and one for Arne. He placed them in the separate microwave they used to warm up blood bags and set the timer for one minute. He then came to help me get the bottle of brandy my Aunt was working her way through, from out of a cupboard I couldn't quite reach. He even got the little tub of Horlicks malt powder from another cupboard I couldn't reach. We moved together quite well in the kitchen, in some strange sort of choreographed drink making dance. I got the milk out of the regular fridge and set about making my mug of Horlicks just how I liked it.

I rinsed my mug in the sink and smiled as Domino came over to me from his usual spot on the window sill, behind the kitchen sink. Duke was sat on the window sill, looking outside even though it was dark as anything. Domino stretched out in front of me and I stoked along his back, receiving a warm, rumbling purr from him. He liked it here at Arne's mansion which was great, as I didn't think it was fair keeping him in my dorm room back at the school as he could do what he wanted here. Plus Arne doted on him and Duke as he absolutely loved cats and more often than not, you could walk in and find Arne scooping one of them up in his arms and having full conversations with him.

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