No Particular Place to Go

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'So tell me how your date went?' My Aunt asked me. We were having a slightly later than usual dinner, or tea as my Aunt called it in the American diner in town. We had both othered a cheeseburger and fries with a miniscule salad, macaroni cheese and some fried chicken strips as sides. We both had some milkshakes too; I had a malted chocolate shake whilst Auntie M had a banana one, which was funny because she absolutely hated bananas as a fruit but enjoyed it as a milkshake flavour.

'It was awesome! Duncan took me to Bletchley Park it was so cool.' I raved, shoving some fries in to my mouth.

'No typical dates for you two then, you pair of nerds.' Auntie M grinned.

'Hey I'd rather go somewhere interesting than waste two hours of my life watching some film I don't like and not being able to talk.' I cackled back.

'I know I know, I'm the same. Duncan's a nice boy though.'

'Boy? He's like a few hundred years old and he was turned when he was an actual adult.' I said.

'That's true. You gotta remember though there's still a personality in every vampire they don't all become devoid of emotion or become psychotic killing machines. Just like humans, certain events might change them they just have a longer time of experiencing being around.'

I nodded at her, I guess she had a point. She continued.

'Besides, Arne brought up his clan to not be complete vampire dicks. Help's them all evade detection.'

'So you think Arne's pretty much the same guy he's always been since he was turned more or less?'

'From what I can gather... yes more or less. From what I've heard of him, he sort of developed a sense of humour that's for sure.'

'And what's he always been like then?' I asked, genuinely curious to know as my Aunt has known Arne for quite a while and was also bonded to him. She was bound to know something more of his history.

'An absolute sex pest.'

My Aunt said that with the straightest of faces. I started laughing and nearly choked on my burger. I coughed and choked and spluttered before attempting to quell it all with a good long drink of my milkshake.

'Oh Christ I hate you so much now.' I shook my head and chuckled. My Aunt just smirked at me.

We carried on chatting all the way through our meal and dessert, which as always was amazing. I had an absolutely massive strawberry sundae, blathered in whipped cream and chocolate sauce whilst Auntie M had the diners home made apple pie with whipped cream and home made vanilla ice cream. Suitably satiated and satisfied, we left the diner just before half past seven and began making our way up to Arne's mansion in my Aunt's BMW.

'It'll be getting cold enough now to warrant getting the XC90 out.' My Aunt said as we tootled up the road. Arne's mansion I had only recently found out was, was located just outside of Cambridge. I barely ever travelled there by normal means as I was usually portalled there by my Aunt or I had tried doing it myself; but my Aunt occasionally liked driving up once in a while. At this time of night though with my Aunt taking it steady in the darkness and not razzing about like a psychopath, it would take around fifty minutes to get there give or take. I loved being in the car though and so did my Aunt. She had put on a pretty cool playlist, a mixture of The Jesus and Mary Chain, Echo and the Bunnymen and Sisters of Mercy to name a few. I knew some of the tunes and sang along to some of them.

I checked my phone to see what time it was, another twentyish minutes and we'd be at Arne's but what had literally just hit me was the date. We were just a few days off from December meaning school would be breaking up for the Christmas holidays, Yule would officially start a few days before then and the two things that I could have punched myself for nearly forgetting.

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