Danger Zone

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My Aunt was sat on her magical forest settee in front of the magical bonfire she conjured up drinking a huge mug of tea; looking up at me precariously balanced on a bright pink coloured broom I had pinched from the girls dorm cleaning cupboard, currently floating up in the air at least thirty feet off the ground. It hadn't taken me long to get the broom up and off the ground and hover about a bit on it, I even managed to go some distance on it too. It was the weirdest feeling flying on this regular household cleaning utensil. Auntie M had suggested I straddle the broom, like I was riding a bike. Apparently it was easier riding a broom this way then after I had mastered that I could go on to riding side saddle.

That was alright for my Auntie M to say that. As I started increasing my height, she flew up beside me and guided me round the trees like she was minding a child riding a bike they just had the training wheels taken off. She could fly. As in actually fly without a broom. Of course she could fly.

'Ive been doing this for well over thirty years Maddie, this is what happens.'

Touché Auntie M. Touché.

I had started to stress out a bit being as high up as I was and not being able to get down.

'Calm down Maddie, take a deep breath and loosen up your muscles.'

I did what my Auntie M told me. I circled my shoulders and my head a few times as I took some deep breaths. I willed myself to land on the ground and after a few severe drops that shook me up a bit, I kept control and didn't fall off thankfully. I got about a metre from the ground and tried my best to land with both my feet on the forest floor. I stumbled a bit but somehow managed to climb off the broom. I was quite pleased with myself that I didn't fall off at all during my flying lesson. I did however have a few leaves and twigs stuck in my hair from when I flew a bit too close to the trees.

I wandered over to the settee and propped the broom up against it before sitting down. Auntie M snapped her fingers and a cup of tea appeared on the table she had magicked in to existence. I gratefully took the hot drink and sipped at it.

'Auntie M, can I ask you some questions?' I said in between sips.

'Of course you can kiddo. Fire away.'

I had been wracking my brain trying to think of questions I could ask and made an effort to remember them this time. Normally something would just pop in to my head that I should ask, but I'd soon forget. I wanted to ask about what was real and what wasn't real about witches, like what films and TV got right or wrong.

'So the witches riding brooms thing is real.' I started.

'Not exactly.' Auntie M replied. I screwed up my face a little just before she continued. 'Brooms are traditional but to be honest you could use a garden rake, a mop. Heck you could even fly on a Dyson if you wanted to. It is however always, some kind of cleaning utensil.'

'Like in Sabrina? The old show?'


'And I suppose when you get really good, you can fly without the aid?'


I "ahh'd" before I continued with my questions.

'What about the three thing? The rule of three is it? Is that real?'

Auntie M tilted her head about a few times. 'It does and it doesn't. Depends on the reason and intent. Causing serious harm or injury to someone never ends well and there are repercussions, same with doing things for excessive personal gain. Your little moment with that Francesca girl, mine as well actually are fine. She has ill intent and exudes negative energy. Teaching her a lesson or stopping her in her tracks is fair game.'

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