Dance Hall Days

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Hey guys!

First of all I hope everyone is doing okay and you're all keeping safe.

So I'm begging for comments and stuff again. I really, really need to start editing my stories now especially as I've put out quite a few chapters of both, I need to make everything neater and rework some bits and I'd like to know what you guys think. Please tell me what characters you like, is there anything I need to expand on and that kind of thing. I'd really appreciate it. :)

But I'm gonna continue writing both Coven and Fray, so keep an eye out for new chapters. Again, please let me know you're reading and what you think!

Take care and look after each other.

Georgie xx


Auntie M and I were walking up to the main school hall where the Halloween party was being held. A little bit of my Aunt's magic before hand had dressed us up to look like Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World; I was Garth and Auntie M was Wayne. Quite appropriate as the theme of the party was eighties and nineties and thankfully nobody else had the same idea either. We had chatted for a little bit before deciding to finally go in.

'I really thought vampires would be y'know just... awful and scary. I mean this is my first time meeting real vampires.' I said to my Aunt.

'Oh please they're all kittens really.' Auntie M snorted. 'They're nothing like how they're portrayed in films and stuff.'

'Yeah I kinda figured. What is actually true about them though there's not much in the handbook?'

'Well they're not as bloodthirsty as you'd think.' Auntie M started. 'Maybe when they're young, like less than a hundred years or so and if they don't have a responsible maker or a supportive clan they can get out of hand. It's ground in to them not to be messy and needlessly kill all the time it just draws too much attention.'

That seemed to make sense to me. I nodded as my Aunt carried on talking.

'Um what else. Oh they can go out during the day time but they're kinda shit, like a human with a really bad hangover.' She snorted again. 'So they do tend to sleep during the day instead the sun properly weakens them. Silver doesn't bother them either though they do get a bit tetchy around sharp pointy wooden things.'

'So there's a lot that Hollywood portrays about them that isn't true.'

'Exactly. They don't care about garlic, they don't sleep in coffins exclusively, decapitation will obviously kill a lot of things not just vampires, going in churches of any kind doesn't bother them but holy water and strongly blessed items do.'

'Do they really become evil when they're turned? I mean do they loose their humanity?' I asked.

'Not really, unless they're the type that really does enjoy the power they have and ends up turning in to a mass murderer. But all creatures can turn out that way too. Sure they can end up in some weird moral dilemmas when it comes to feeding, but other than that they're kinda normal.'

'And blood.' I said, thinking how to word my question. 'I've seen some interpretations of vampires eating food or being able to live off animal blood. What's true there?'

'No human food or drink at all, but they can drink animal blood. They're not keen on it though.'

'Does it taste bad or something or have no nutritional value to them?'

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