Mommy, Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight?

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Liam and Mr Evans looked amazing in their Bill and Ted costumes. It was kind of funny that they selected those particular outfits as that was the other choice I had along with my Aunt. Mr Evans had stood beside Auntie M and spoke to her. I only just caught what they were saying over the loudness of the music.

'You smell like death.' Mr Evans said to my Aunt.

'And you smell like wet dog.' She replied.

I couldn't quite tell if there was some tension between them or not, I assumed there was as they were staring intently at each other and I could feel an atmosphere. I looked over at Liam who was busy talking to Katie and Victoria and apparently hadn't felt any of this. But knowing he was a naturally weaker warlock and was distracted, I wasn't all that surprised. Though he probably just wasn't paying attention.

I looked back at my Aunt and Mr Evans who were now laughing and grinning at each other; and getting a bit closer too. Was this a magic user thing? Some apparent promiscuity that occurred and they were okay with or did most of the grown ups I knew just happen to be absolute tarts? Or was I looking way too deep in to it? Thinking about what my Auntie M had just said to Mr Evans, I did get a whiff of wet dog smell coming from him and even a bit from Liam.

'Auntie M, that smell... is it?'

'I know it's disgusting huh?' My Aunt replied. I was really getting used to this talking in each others heads thing, it came in handy for all sorts and having secret conversations was amazing.

'I assume it's werewolf smell?'

'Bingo. Seems like the local male coven is allied with a werewolf pack.'

'Well I won't be forgetting that smell in a while, sheesh.' I wrinkled my nose. I was sort of glad our coven was allied with vampires as they actually smelt quite nice and not like damp Labrador. My train of thought was interrupted by Liam who had made his way to my side as Katie and Victoria were fixing things on each others costumes.

'Hey you,'

'Hey you too.'

Wow, awkward. At least Liam decided to carry on talking.

'So, how was your initiation?'

'As expected I suppose.' I didn't sound too sure about that which to be honest, I wasn't. I'm sure he can smell the vampires on me much like how I could smell the werewolves on him. 'Your coven is aligned with a werewolf clan am I right?

Liam nodded.

'And yours is aligned with a vampire clan?'

'Yep.' I replied.

There was yet another brief moment of silence between us. These silences were becoming a bit too uncomfortable for my liking and were happening more often. It was weird to me as it always seemed like Liam wanted to talk but just couldn't quite get the words out. Every time it ended up with just me and Liam stood near each other swapping the bare minimum of words.

Most of the evening was spent checking out everyone's costumes and trying to remember what TV show or film they were in. I had even taken some time out to massacre the buffet along with my Aunt who was not holding back in cramming as much fancy food in to her face as possible. The music wasn't bad either. The DJ that was hired was keeping well in with the theme of the night and was playing plenty eighties and nineties hits, but had also thrown in some newer stuff too. My Aunt and I had got a few "Party on Wayne" and "Party on Garth's" shouted at us us, which was kinda cool. Everything seemed pretty chill, but there was something that was just bothering me. I don't know why, or what it was, but something was not sitting right with me.

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