Night of the Long Knives

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Arne and Duncan had only been in the supermarket for a grand total of about ten minutes, then came sauntering out. Arne had a bag in his hand. I wonder what he had bought?

The two vampires made their way over to the car just as I had noticed a few women had followed them out, one or two of them were staff from the store. They oggled the two tall men as they got in to the back of the Volvo, the women then scowling as they noticed me and my Aunt sat in the front.

'I bought you a present.' Arne said as he pulled a large bottle out of the bag. He held it up for my Aunt to look at. She eyed the bottle, it was an expensive looking bottle of British blackberry gin.

'Well somebody's after having a good time.' She said as she looked at Arne coyly. I had to stop myself from making a face at what she was insinuating. I don't know what it was, but why did young people always have to have some kind of negative reaction to their older family members, usually parents but sometimes other family members having some kind of sex life? It was weird.

'How did you get on?' I turned around to face Arne and Duncan in the back seat.

'We found the guy. He does have a magical odour about him but we can't sense it as much as you can.' Duncan said. 'Arne did hypnotise one of his colleagues and got some information.'

'Yes his name is Bruce Allen, twenty seven years old, he's only been working there for a few months so around the same time as the murders started. He apparently lives somewhere in the Westhill area.' Arne told us what he knew. 'He finishes at four o'clock, so if you'd like, we can tail him and find out where he lives? Maybe even have a look round his home when he's not in?' Arne said.

'That would be great.'

Wow I didn't know there would be some breaking and entering involved, but I suppose we were in a bit of a shady world so I guess it was okay if it would help stop this guy from kidnapping more women and murdering them. I found it strange that I was becoming more and more comfortable with things of this nature, it just showed that the world really wasn't as black and white as you would think. Like I've been told before; "for the greater good."

Arne and Duncan left and we headed back to the school. Arne and Duncan wouldn't have to wait long for this Bruce guy to clock out from work as it was just gone half past 3 in the afternoon now so they would find out exactly where this guy lived and maybe even find out what secrets he had in his home. My Aunt and I parted ways and agreed to meet up in the dining hall for our evening meal later on. I hurried up to my dorm room with my big bag of snacks and drinks I had bought for myself and my friends for our girly night later on. They both approved of my choices and gathered everything up to put it all in our special snack basket with the rest of our goodies and various drinks we had. I would have joined them in a study session as I did want to go through some of my English work but I felt really, really tired after my little reconnaissance mission earlier. So I decided to have a nap before we went to get dinner.

I got my head down for about an hour and a half and felt a bit better after it. Katie and Victoria were sat chilling out with the telly on, either scrolling through their phones or reading a book.

'Welcome back to the real world.' Victoria said to me when she had noticed I had woken up.

'What time is it?' I asked groggily as I ribbed my eyes.

'Just coming up to half past five.' Said Victoria. 'We're about to go down for dinner, go get ready and we can go.'

'Yes mum.' I giggled at Victoria. She playfully pushed my arm as I walked past her. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste out of my wash bag and wandered in to the dorms shared bathroom to brush my teeth as I had a horrible taste in my mouth, plus I needed to fix my hair now as my little nap hadn't helped in keeping it decent looking. It was all over the place and sticking out from my head. I brushed my teeth and sorted my hair out figuring I would do as I was only dining at the school and not at Claridges tonight, then rushed back to my room so I could leave with my friends. We made sure our door was locked and we had everything then walked down to the dining hall.

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