Come Together

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I honestly didn't know how powerful my weird, eccentric Aunt was. I mean, she was properly op to the point where it was actually stressing me out a bit. I had literally just watched her unleash her "true" power and she had caused half a dozen men to end up on the ground, rolling about in sheer agony including one of my teachers and she hadn't even physically touched any of them. And Liam, poor Liam. He was spewing up from it. I'd never seen anyone vomit as much as he did, I swear at one point I thought I saw him ease up and stop but no, he just kept going.

The fiasco had sort of died down. All of the men were looking at my Auntie M with a combination of admiration and straight up fear. The rest of our coven were standing behind my Auntie M in solidarity and doing my part; I went over and stood with them even if I was feeling a bit out of place as the resident newbie. One of the men I had noticed had helped Martin to his feet and ushered him out of the way before presenting himself to our coven, holding out his hand for my Auntie M to shake.

'Hi, my name is Adrian I'm the second in command of our coven if you will.'

Adrian was a soft spoken black fellow, taller in height than Martin but of a slightly broader build. His hair was braided in neat rows that finished at the nape of his neck and round his neck I noticed, was an NHS lanyard. He must have come straight from work or maybe he was going to work later, I don't know.

'Please,' Adrian continued. 'Allow me to apologise for what happened just then. Martin's a bit, old school in his practices.'

'And quite misogynistic.' Auntie M added as she reached for Adrian's hand. He flinched ever so slightly just before Auntie M shook his hand with a firm grip, I think he was expecting some kind of shock or something.

'Yeah well that doesn't mean to say the rest of us are the same.' Adrian smiled as he looked to the rest of his coven. 'But he was right in saying we need a new place of power.'

My Auntie M looked like she was having a good think. In the blink of an eye she had conjured up what looked like a map and started pointing out areas on it, showing them to Adrian.

I watched the others for a bit. Martin had been given a seat by one of the other men from his coven and Mr Evan's was busy chatting to the remaining guys whilst sneakily keeping an eye on my Auntie M I had noticed. The rest of the ladies in my coven had started to drag our table over with the brew making stuff on it. They were busy making up mugs of tea and coffee and handing them out, to the men as well; I saw Martin take a mug of tea too. He looked a bit shocked actually; that Mai, a female witch was asking him if he wanted sugar in his tea. One apparently, with a splash of milk. I was issued a mug and so was Liam who I felt sneak up beside me. He looked rough but I think the hot beverage was bringing him round.

'Hi.' He mumbled just as he took a sip from his mug.

'Hi.' I answered.

Then silence for what seemed to be way too many moments than what was comfortable. I dunno I think it was way more uncomfortable for Liam than what it was for me. Oh I was quite happy to just stand here and watch what was going on. Until Liam decided to break the silence.

'So you're a...' Liam blurted out.


'Oh, okay.'

Silence again. I turned my head slightly to look at him.

'And that means you're also a...'

'Yes. Yes it does.' Liam confirmed my half said question.

'Is that why you've been glaring at me for weeks now?' I full on asked him directly. It had been bothering me for a while now.

'My Uncle sort of made me aware of you, this was before your Aunt started working at the school.'

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