Eight Miles High

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It was Friday and thankfully, the whole day had gone off without a hitch. No dead bodies, no dead critters. Nothing. So I sailed through school on Friday with absolutely no issues at all and was back in my dorm room chilling out with Katie and Victoria after we had got back from the dining hall. We had planned on having a movie and snack night tonight; mainly because we wouldn't see each other while Sunday night as Katie and Victoria were going home on Saturday morning to visit their folks, but they'd be back for the Halloween Dance at least. I like always was staying at school. My Auntie M was also going out tonight in to Hitchin with one or two of the women from the coven and some of their human friends for a girly night out. So in other words she was going out with the intention of getting pissed.

We ended up watching the local news for a bit to see if the Police had released any information about the dead woman that was found on our school grounds. Turns out they had and had issued an appeal to help determine what had happened and who may have milled her. The young woman's name was Lisa Murphy, she was twenty one years of age and worked at a local travel agents. Her mother and father were currently on screen with police men sat beside them; crying and sniffling and attempting to talk, asking the public for any information regarding the murder of their little girl. My heart went out to them it really did, especially knowing what I did thanks to my powers and my Auntie M's help. A man had done it and had done some really horrible stuff to her before he killed her.

I felt it inside me, the desire to help. The way Lisa had died and why she had died wasn't something that humans could comprehend properly or know the repercussions of. This was in a realm that they shouldn't know about and it was up to us magic users to keep it that way. I had the power to help too. Auntie M, Mr Evans, Liam and myself had sort of formed our own little paranormal sleuthing club and I was all for it, especially if it caught this guy before he had a chance to murder more people and stop him from summoning whatever he was trying to summon.

We decided to turn the news off as it was making us a bit upset and put something a bit more happy on, settling on watching some chick-flick instead so we chose one of our favourites; Ten Things I Hate About You. We had loads of snacks and drinks and made quick work of them, which was disappointing as we ate everything way too quickly whenever we had a movie night. After our film had finished we switched the TV over to some game show which we weren't really watching, it was on just for some background noise. We ended up in our usual weekend hair styling and make up ritual. We'd try out different hair styles and make up looks on each other and see what we liked, what looked good on us, that sort of thing. Not like we could go out or anything like that, none of us had a car yet or a full driving licence to even drive a car without supervision. Some of the other kids did but we were quite content staying in.

Eventually we ended up being a bit productive with the telly still on in the background. Katie and Victoria packed their bags for their trip home, I sorted out my laundry ready to go wash it all tomorrow morning and then we all cleaned our dorm room. It wasn't too late and most of the girls in our building had gone home so we could hoover our carpets without annoying anyone with the noise. We polished surfaces, got all of our junk together ready to go in the buildings recycling bins, hoovered under our beds, put clothes away and after making everything clean and tidy; we lit a scented candle.

It started getting pretty late and we had all crashed out at some point. All of us were asleep until I random woke up with a weird sound in my head.


The voice in my head slurred.

'Madd...ie. Ugh.'

I recognised the voice. It was Auntie M. It sounded like she was drunk dialling my brain. I grabbed my phone and looked at the clock, it had just gone midnight. I answered her.

'What Auntie M?' I sounded a bit sharp as I replied.

'Can you, can you come get me? Please? Please please please.' She asked me, hiccuping and burping every so often.

'Why can't you get a taxi?' I rolled over in my bed and sighed.

'I tried all the local...' She burped again half way through her reply. 'Taxi firms and that Uber thingy but they're, like all out for ages.'

'Can't you teleport or something?'

'Haha! Ha nope, I ended up in some guys living room in Japan.' Auntie M was laugh-snorting now along with burping. 'I broke his tiny table with my fat arse!'

'And how am I supposed to pick you up?'

'By broom!'

'Are you serious?' I heard a groaning in my head just after I said that, of course Auntie M was serious.

'Hell yeah I am totally one hundred percent sneerious.' She slurred. 'You can do the broom thing it's like, practice and shit.'

I huffed as I dragged myself out of bed, taking care not to make too much noise so I didn't wake my room mates. I had my thick fleecy pj's on so I just shoved my feet in to a pair of Ugg boots I had neatly lined up underneath my bed and put my new thick bathrobe on. At least I'd be warm enough in all this fleecy fabric. It didn't take too long to drive in to Hitchin so I assumed it wouldn't take too long to fly by broom there either.

'Where are you Auntie M?' I asked her telepathically.

'On the roof of The Crown.'

'How the hell did you get up there?'

'I don't know.'

I shook my head. Only Auntie M. I sneaked out of my room and quietly made my way downstairs and through the kitchen, grabbing the broom that was propped up beside the fridge on my way then out through the back door. Julie and Julia were probably in the dorms living room watching telly so I walked round the side of the building furthest away from the living room windows so they wouldn't see me. I checked all around just to make sure there weren't any people about, or CCTV cameras that could catch me floating off. I mounted the broom and took off. I swear to God Auntie M owed me big time for this.

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