Witchy Woman

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I had a nap when I got back to school. That wasn't a thing I made a point of doing all the time, but today I definitely needed it. I got on my bed and just drifted off for an hour or so. I needed to be somewhat rested for later on tonight as we were going on a little recon mission through the main school building. But we had dinner to get out of the way first. I met up with my Auntie M on the way over to the schools dining hall trying to decide what to have tonight from reading the menu board.

Tonight was either a roast beef dinner with Yorkshire puddings, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and carrots, or; tarragon chicken in a white wine and cream sauce with green beans and garlic and thyme roast potatoes. Desert was the choice between a white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake or Eton Mess. We didn't even bother with the vegan or free-from options. Both Auntie M and I chose the roast dinner and cheesecake. We sat down at a table away from the ears of all the other kids and teachers who were in the dining hall that night and soon got some strange looks and glares from them when Liam and Mr Evans came and joined us. We said our hellos as they took their seats.

'All ready for our expedition tonight you two?' Mr Evans asked us.

'As ready as we can be.' Auntie M said. 'Considering we don't really know what we might come across.'

'Well shouldn't we go over what we know so far? I mean about the school and those murders that have been happening?' Liam interjected.

'We can assume that the two things are related but until we can make that connection, lets not.' Said Auntie M.

'But the chances of them being connected are quite probable I reckon.' I added, taking a sip of water I had just poured from the jug on the table. Everybody nodded.

'Maddie why don't you take us through what we know so far?' asked Auntie M.

Acknowledging this, I took out a small notebook from my pocket where I had been writing important things and information we had gathered since when all this started; it was like my own little investigation diary. I flicked through the pages and read out some of the simple notes I had made.

'So we've had the weird stuff happening at the school. First there was the fountain on the front lawn full of blood, then there was that whole bunch of dead animals in the headmasters office.' I said after reading my scribbled down notes. 'Shortly after that, Francesca fell on our cross country run and found that poor girls body in a bush.'

'With Maddie's help we managed to get a glimpse of what happened to the girl.' Auntie M looked at me. 'The young woman was kidnapped by a man who carved a load of symbols in her chest then eventually killed her. We expect he's trying to summon something.'

'And don't forget, another woman was found dead this morning just outside of Hitchin. Maybe they're connected?' Mr Evans added. I flicked through my notebook to the part where I had written a few lines about it, leaving quite a bit of space for any more particulars I could add. We were hoping for more information to be released to the local papers and news.

'It would help of we could get a hold of something of hers or even see her body.' Auntie M stated. 'Might be able to get a vision or something.'

Auntie M had stated that quite nonchalantly and I was a touch taken back by it, she did seem to have a bit of a disconnect with things like this. Well, things concerning death and dead bodies and stuff. She probably had her reasons, but I figured it made sense as getting too emotional would most likely not be a good thing. I thought it might be an idea to ask her about it at some point. We stopped talking about all the mad stuff as the dinner staff had began bringing round our meals on heated trolleys. We changed the subject for a little while to what we had been watching on telly and recent places we had been out to eat at, just random chatter. Our dinner was quite nice though and we had been given more gravy to drown it in. I was really looking forward to desert though, cheesecake was one of my favourites and my Auntie M's too.

We had made a plan for our infiltration later tonight. Auntie M would sort out the night time security guard who monitored all the CCTV cameras and went around the school if he saw anything amiss. We'd all meet up inside the school by teleporting in to the main entrance hall then begin our snooping, maybe even attempt to draw out any spirits that may be floating around the school. The school's been there for ages so there was bound to be some ghost kicking about who would answer. Well all had a list of items to bring too so we could perform certain rituals or spells in case anything happened. Auntie M and Mr Evans had said that Liam and I could lead some of the spells tonight which would be interesting. I hadn't seen Liam casting any spells or performing any magic so it would be kind of cool to see what he could do. We hadn't really had the chance to get together to practice or swap notes, not without anything happening that stopped us like a murder or whatever.

We dispersed after dinner to get ready for tonight. I had picked out some dark, warm clothes and comfy shoes for sneaking about in and laid them out over the chair in my room. It was about half past seven right now, so I had a while to wait before we got everything started. I put the kettle on and made myself a cup of tea, put the telly on and relaxed for a bit. I knew I'd probably ended up snoozing at some point so I set an alarm on my phone just in case. I had already put a few supplies in to a small messenger bag I had so everything was ready; a huge tub of table salt, some random crystals, some different coloured candles, large sticks of chalk that Auntie M suggested I bring and my spell book.

I had a weird feeling about tonight, a really weird feeling actually. And to be honest, I was kind of okay with it and I was really, really looking forward to see what Liam and Mr Evans could do. I knew for a fact that even though Liam had his awakening weeks before I had mine; he wasn't as powerful as I was and apparently that was genetic. I wanted to see what Mr Evans could do too but it probably paled in comparison with my Aunt, who could turn people in to Swiss cheese with a twitch of her nose if she wanted to. Actually, weird feeling aside; I was looking forward to tonight. I'd be able to put my magic to some proper good use hopefully. But as I glanced over to the outfit I had chosen for tonight, I figured it would be a good idea to make myself look less of a cat burglar.  

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