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It had barely reached after dinner time on Sunday by the time we got back from the diner. Auntie M had perked up significantly after all that food she ate and I; was finally able to chill out some more on my own. When I got back to my dorm room, I turned on the TV for some background noise and got out my notebook and my spellbook, figuring I would do a bit of light studying considering my initiation was later on tonight. I was told there wasn't much to it. I would be welcomed in to the coven, I would swear an oath then I would be blessed. I did however have to wear something relatively nice and wear my special cloak over the top along with any charms and amulets I had.

Thankfully Katie and Victoria wouldn't be back for a while and they would be going to the Halloween Party in the school this evening. I could catch up with them for a bit when they got back and tell them what had gone on this weekend, which wasn't going to be the whole truth. So while they were having fun tonight, I was just going to spend a while in the forest and officially become a part of a real witches coven. I was sort of excited but I kept that to myself for the most part, for some reason I was occasionally sharing it with my spellbook which I would speak to sometimes. I think I did that because I spoke to the family spellbook in my Aunts room all the time.

I cleaned up a bit and hoovered the floor, sprayed a bit a polish on the surfaces and lit a scented candle as part of my Sunday cleaning routine. It made it a lot easier to relax or concentrate in this room when it was clean and tidy. I could have used a spell to put everything back in it's place and put dirty laundry in baskets and all that, but I liked a bit of cleaning every now and then. I did have a bit of laundry to do so I grabbed my basket and took it over to the students laundry room which was located in the gymnasium, just a short distance from my dorm.

My nose was twitching again and I felt like I needed to sneeze. There was another weird smell being carried through the air, but thankfully not like the one we encountered the night before which was just disgusting with extra added gross on top and a huge sprinkling of yuk. It was a strong smell but it wasn't offensive, in fact it was quite pleasant. I was trying to figure out what could be causing that smell as there weren't any flowers around what with it being the end of October and there weren't many around. I didn't have any perfume on today either so God knows what it was. It did feel like I was being watched though which was unnerving. Stuff like this kept happening and while it did put me on edge, I tried not to let it bother me. Auntie M said it was just my senses becoming more powerful as my own powers grew. I thought the whole sneezing thing was totally down to hayfever or allergies or something. Apparently not. Certain things gave off distinctive scents that witches could pick up, but not mortals.

Deciding whatever it was that I could smell wasn't "after me" I continued on to the laundry room. I didn't have much but I washed some underwear, socks, a few t-shirts and the odd sweatshirt and hoodie; sticking everything on a quick wash which would only take twenty minutes or so. I got comfortable and played about with my phone for a bit while waiting for my laundry. I did a few witchy Google searches for things like herbs and their properties; crystals, candles, oils and by the time the buzzer went on the washing machine signifying my laundry had finished; I had a basket full of stuff on a magical and spiritual online store. I hadn't bought anything in a short while so I figured bugger it and bout a bunch of stuff. I could have it delivered to the school for next week.

I didn't get hit with the smell on my way back to my dorm, apparently it had just disappeared. I thought nothing more of it as I had to go hang up my washing to dry and get out of the way as there were cars now coming up to the school, dropping off the kids who had been back home for the weekend and were coming back in plenty of time for the Halloween bash tonight. Back in my room, I pulled out our clothes airer and set it up beside the radiator, hanging my clothe son as neatly as possible. I made myself a cup of tea, had a few biscuits and watched a bit more telly. I had dozed off after a while but woke instantly when I heard my friends who had returned in the room.

'Sorry Maddie, did we make too much noise?' Katie asked me as I rubbed my eyes. I yawned before answering.

'No don't worry about it, I was only napping. How are you two, good time back home?'

'It was okay for me.' Katie said. 'Vic, not so much.'

I looked over at Victoria who looked a bit tired and groggy.

'We ended up at the hospital last night after my mum slipped on a rug with a glass in her hand and she pretty much smashed it on the floor with her hand still round it. She's cut up pretty bad.' Victoria explained.

'Oh no!' I squeaked. It sounded really painful and awful to go through. 'I hope her hand is okay and she's feeling better soon.'

'Thanks. Well they sorted her hand out last night and gave her a ton of painkillers but she has to see a specialist about it, in case she's damaged tendons.'

'It sounds like you've had a rough time of it. Here let me make you both a brew and we can have a proper catch up.' I said as I shuffled off my bed to where we kept our kettle. A brew later and we were discussing what was happening tonight.

Katie and Victoria were telling me about their costumes they were now showing off to me. As the main theme of the Halloween party was eighties and nineties themed, all of us were originally going to do some Weekend At Bernie's group costume or go as a trio of Madonna's wearing her iconic outfits from the eighties. But because I had previously mentioned I wouldn't be in attendance, they decided to dress as Cher and Dionne from Clueless instead. It made more sense they do a duo thing together seeing as I wouldn't be there. I don't know, maybe if we finished up with the witchy stuff at a decent time, I could pop along for a bit. I did wonder though if I could magic up myself a costume just so I wouldn't look completely out of place wearing my creepy cloak. To be honest though, I'd probably be the most authentic spooky thing there with my cloak.

'I bet you Francesca and her minions will turn up dressed like they're Heathers.' Katie cackled.

'Oh God I would not be surprised at all if they did!' Victoria squealed.

We chatted for a bit about various people at the school and guessed what they might be wearing.

'I wonder what the boys will be wearing?' Victoria questioned.

'No doubt Liam's gonna be looking great whatever he wears.' Katie added.

Oh boy they were in for a shock when they'd find out that Liam probably wasn't going to show up tonight as he had his own initiation to attend. Then I remembered, my Auntie M said I would be meeting some special people tonight too. I wonder who they were? I'm sure I had already met everyone in our coven and all the family I knew I had. No, could Auntie M have brought in more members of my family I didn't even know I had? Possibly. I suppose I had to wait till later to find out. I was actually getting pretty impatient, I wish it was later already. There was so much waiting for me at my initiation; these special people I was going to meet, more answers and revelations that Auntie M always cryptically told me would "come in due course" and the added benefit of just properly being in a coven and having more power and control.

I hope I was going to get a witches handbook or something, maybe "Witching For Dummies."

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