A Hazy Shade of Winter

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 'Okay everyone! Can I have your attention please!'

Auntie M was using her classroom voice to make sure everyone heard her. She had randomly magicked a large set of step ladders and was stood right at the top, just so everyone could see her.

'Now you all know why we've gathered here today. We're doing what we all do best and that is sorting out the messes that the police can't fix.'

The crowd hummed and nodded in agreement, sipping at their cups of tea or coffee.

'I'd like to thank you all for coming out, to help us try and track down these missing women and hopefully find out what the hell is going on under this school. I know there's been some animosity between our groups in the past, but I'm sure we can get over that and work toward a common goal.'

Everyone continued to nod their heads and agree. Then my Aunt continued.

'Furthermore, I'd also like to mention that this is personal for me. And my niece Madelyn. Some of these kidnapped women are in fact my students and two of whom are Madelyn's best friends.'

I could feel everyone's eyes on me just then, I sort of bowed my head not knowing what to do. But Duncan who was literally always there for me just gave me a reassuring squeeze around the shoulders.

Arne helped my Aunt down off the ladder. Adrian and Marcus then started talking to their people, choosing not to use the step ladder, then again they were quite a bit taller than my Aunt.

'We're splitting up in to groups and searching specific areas of the woods and grounds. Hopefully we'll be able to cover quite a large area quickly.' Marcus spoke up.

'Everyone, please take a map and split in to groups of three. We need a mixture of all of us in each group. If anyone finds anything, can the witches or warlocks in each group contact the others just so we know where we're up to. Thanks everyone.' Said Adrian. He had a stack of maps of the area printed out on to A3 pages in that weird shiny paper that repelled water. Everyone took a map and shuffled themselves in to groups. Of course I ended up in the group with all the young ones; Eden, Charlie and Liam. Duncan was with us too as he was not leaving my side. Constance and Darius had joined us also. So some of us were actually young and the others, not so much.

It took a little while for us to get to where we needed to be, we all spread out and physically searched for anything that could be a clue to a tunnel entrance or a cave or well or something. Eden and Charlie sniffed the air for any strange scents, Liam left magical markers on areas we had been over, Duncan, Constance and Darius zipped around at super speed, checking every tree and every rock. There was nothing. I however had magicked my broom in to my hand and instantly got on it; sailing up in to the air, earning a squeal of delight from Eden as she watched.

'Oh my God that is so awesome!' Eden shrieked at me. 'Hey Liam! Can you do that?'

'I can't.' Liam replied. ' Only witches can ride brooms.'

'Well that sucks.' Eden pouted.

I left them all down on the forest floor. In the distance I could see my Aunt and some of the other members of my coven doing the same thing. Except it was only my Aunt and Mai that were floating above the sparse, leafless trees without brooms as they didn't need them.

I guess we had all had the same idea, thinking that we would have a good view of the lay of the land from a height. I drifted about above the trees, watching everyone else search for anything of interest. At least Duncan and Liam were getting on with their searching and not butting heads with each other. I had no time for that alpha male bullshit today, I had my friends and the other women who had been kidnapped to find.

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